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The Foundation exists to enable community support of the college. Through the Blackhawk Foundation, you can help provide student assistance through grants and scholarships, as well as through investment in facilities and resources that enable student success.


On an annual basis...


Percentage of students who receive a scholarship


Scholarships awarded every year

IDEAL Scholarship

The IDEAL Opportunity Scholarship aims to increase access to education and make a degree from Blackhawk Technical College possible for an individual from at at-risk group who faces financial barriers to post-secondary education.

Funded by the Blackhawk Technical College Foundation, the IDEAL Opportunity Scholarship recipients will receive funds to cover tuition, fees and required materials as well as a cost-of-living stipend.

Recipients also will be engaged with a paid internship within their related field of study and receive support from a college faculty mentor.

Scholars + Donors Celebration



  • An individual from an at-risk group
  • Facing financial barriers
  • May be a first-generation college student

To Apply

Complete the Foundation Scholarship Application and put “IDEAL Opportunity Scholarship” when asked if there is a specific scholarship you are looking to apply for. 

Contact the Foundation

For information on creating a scholarship, in-kind donations or naming opportunities, please contact Cassie Hartje, Director of Advancement & Foundation at

The Blackhawk Technical College Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that receives, holds, and disburses funds for the betterment of the college and its students. The Blackhawk Foundation is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.