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Safety & Security

A tradition of efficient, courteous service to the community has always been the goal of the Office of Campus Safety and Security as well as enhancing the public’s knowledge of emergency management and safety operations at Blackhawk Technical College. We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of the entire college community.


Behavior Intervention Team

The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is a small cross-functional group of BTC staff and faculty who meet weekly to collect and review all reported information about community members and to develop an intervention plan to assist them. The BIT encourages you to share any/all concerning information and behaviors that you feel are related to any of the three categories below. The BIT will review/refer the situation to the appropriate intervention process. More Information

Please help keep our school free from threats of intimidation and harm by reporting any behavior that could be considered disruptive, threatening, concerning or bizarre. Any student, staff, faculty, or community member can make a BIT referral using our online reporting tool.

Categories & Examples

  • Comments that are inappropriate or irrelevant to class discussion
  • Unable to control emotions
  • Very anxious
  • Concerning writing or art
  • Extreme change in appearance or behavior
  • Unusual bruising or other injuries
  • Interrupting class discussions
  • Making threats or threatening behavior to self or others
  • Weapons, explosive devices or chemicals on campus

  • Academic honesty 
  • Alcohol regulations
  • Disruptive conduct 
  • Drugs
  • Endangering safety of others 
  • Failure to comply
  • False information
  • Hazing
  • Misuse of college materials, services or property
  • Off-campus conduct
  • Theft

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Stalking
  • Dating Violence
  • Retaliation
  • Sex Discrimination

Appeals + Complaint Process

Blackhawk Technical College provides opportunities for students, staff and members of the community to register complaints or file appeals by filling out a Student, Staff, and Community Appeal and Complaint Form. The form provides an avenue to submit a concern regarding any area at Blackhawk. The College will address and systematically process all student, staff and community appeals and complaints in a timely manner.

Student, Staff and Community Appeal + Complaint Procedure

Blackhawk Technical College recognizes that disputes may sometimes arise. Students, staff, and members of the community are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their complaints or concerns. 

  1. Informal appeals or complaints (concerns or expressions of dissatisfaction or disagreement) should be handled through direct communication (conversation, email, or letter) with the student, staff, or member of the community and the BTC staff or department/division involved.
  2. If the issue remains unresolved, the informal appeal or complaint should be directed to the appropriate department/division supervisor. Students, staff, and members of the community may also consult with the Executive Director of Student Services if they are unsure about where or how to address an appeal or complaint or concern. If an appeal or complaint remains unresolved, students, staff, or members of the community would initiate the formal phase of the process.

If the resolution is not satisfactory at the informal appeal or complaint level, a formal appeal or complaint must be submitted if seeking resolution. Formal appeals or complaints must be made in writing and submitted via the online Student, Staff, and Community Appeal + Complaint Form. Formal appeals and complaints must be filed within 30 college business days of the occurrence that prompted the appeal or complaint.

Academic Appeals + Complaints

Students who have appeals or complaints related to course grades, conduct of classes, or other course matters should address those items first with the instructor of the course as noted under Appeal + Complaint Process – Informal Phase. If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the student may then go to the appropriate program dean. If a resolution is not achieved with the appropriate program dean, a student may submit a formal appeal or complaint via the online Student, Staff, and Community Appeal + Complaint Form.

Non-Academic Appeals + Complaints

As noted under Appeal + Complaint Process – Informal Phase, students, staff, and members of the community who have complaints related to BTC staff or services (Financial Aid, Registrar, Library, Academic Advising, etc.) should first address those complaints directly with the BTC staff. If they are not satisfied, the complaint can then be taken to the appropriate department/division supervisor as noted under Appeal + Complaint Process – Informal Phase. If resolution is not achieved there, they may submit a formal complaint via the online Student, Staff and Community Appeal + Complaint Form.

Seek an Informal Complaint Resolution

The student, staff, or member of the community must seek an informal appeal or complaint resolution of the matter as noted above under Appeal and Complaint Process – Informal Phase before moving to Step 2 below.

Complete the Online Form

Complete the Student, Staff, and Community Appeal & Complaint Form. The formal appeal or complaint must specifically state the basis for the appeal or complaint (person or area to whom the complainant addresses) and the resolution the complainant seeks. Formal appeals or complaints submitted via the Student, Staff, and Community Appeal & Complaint Form are directed to the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness. The office does not act as an advocate for any party to an appeal or complaint but are facilitators to ensure a fair process. The office will then refer the appeal or complaint to the appropriate College staff to acknowledge receipt of, review, and resolve.

Wait During Investigation

The complainant should expect a preliminary response from a College staff member within five (5) college business days. The appropriate College staff member will investigate the appeal or complaint to determine its validity, and will include the following:

  • Communication with the complainant.
  • Communication with the instructor or staff member against whom the appeal or complaint was lodged. In the case of an appeal or complaint regarding procedures, the meeting would be with the College staff member responsible for the particular program or service in question.
  • Communication with the appropriate instructor, staff, or students.
  • Could include meeting with the complainant and instructor or staff member against whom the appeal or complaint was filed. 

Receive Response

The College staff member, upon conclusion and investigating the nature of the appeal or complaint, will respond in writing to the complainant within ten (10) college business days. The response will include:

  •  A written description of the appeal or complaint, including all pertinent details.
  •  A statement regarding action taken.

Formal appeals must be made in writing and submitted via the Student, Staff, and Community Complaint Appeal Form.

Phase 1: Vice President of Academic Affairs or Executive Director of Student Services

If the student, staff, or member of the community does not get a satisfactory resolution to their formal complaint, resolution may be sought by appealing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs or the Executive Director of Student Services by submitting a formal written request via the Student, Staff, and Community Complaint Appeal Form. The appeal must be received within ten (10) college business days after date of the mailed letter or email as outlined in Step 4 above.

Upon conclusion and investigating the nature of the complaint, the Vice President of Academic Affairs or Executive Director of Student Services will respond in writing (by way of mailed letter or email) to the complainant within ten (10) college business days after the date the appeal was received. The response will include a written description of the complaint, including all pertinent details, and a statement regarding action taken. 

Phase 2: Complaint Committee

If a satisfactory resolution has not been reached with the Vice President of Academic Affairs or Executive Director of Student Services, the student, staff, or member of the community may appeal to the Complaint Committee by submitting a formal written request via the Student, Staff, and Community Complaint Appeal Form within ten (10) college business days after receipt of the decision notification (the date of the mailed letter or email). 

The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness shall send a copy of the complaint and related documentation to the Academic or Non-Academic Complaint Committee. The committees will not be standing committees but will be formed by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness when an appeal arises.

  • Academic Complaint Committee — The committee consists of two (2) instructors, two (2) students, and one (1) staff member for a total of five (5) members. The Academic Complaint Committee will review the complaint and related documentation of receiving said material and upon conclusion and investigating the nature of the complaint, will respond in writing (by way of mailed letter) to the complainant within ten (10) college business days after the date the appeal was received. The response will include a written description of the complaint, including all pertinent details, and a statement regarding action taken. 
  • Non-Academic Complaint Committee — The committee consists of one (1) instructor, one (1) student, and three (3) staff members for a total of five (5) members. The Non-Academic Complaint Committee will review the complaint and related documentation of receiving said material and upon conclusion and investigating the nature of the complaint, will respond in writing (by way of mailed letter) to the complainant within ten (10) college business days after the date the appeal was received. The response will include a written description of the complaint, including all pertinent details, and a statement regarding action taken. 

If the complaint is still unable to be resolved in a manner acceptable to all parties, the student, staff, or member of the community may appeal to the President by submitting a formal written request via the Student, Staff, and Community Complaint Appeal Form within ten (10) college business days after receipt of the decision notification (the date of the mailed letter or email). The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness will forward the complaint and related documentation to the President.

Phase 3: President

If a satisfactory resolution has not been reached with the Complaint Committee, the student, staff, or member of the community may appeal to the President by submitting a formal written request via the Student, Staff, and Community Complaint Appeal Form within ten (10) college business days after receipt of the decision notification (the date of the mailed letter or email).

Once the President receives the formal complaint, they have five (5) college business days to reply in writing (by way of mailed letter) a preliminary response to the complainant. The President, upon conclusion and investigating the nature of the complaint, will respond in writing (by way of mailed letter or email) to the complainant within ten (10) college business days after the date the preliminary response was received (the date of the mailed letter or email).

The response will include a written description of the complaint, including all pertinent details and a statement regarding the action taken. Once the President makes a decision on the appeal, that decision is final. No further appeal is heard.

Retaliation is prohibited at the College. No Blackhawk Technical College employee or student shall retaliate in any way against a person for making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation or student, staff, and community complaint proceeding. Retaliatory actions which are prohibited include intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any such individual.

To comply with federal regulations, Blackhawk Technical College will maintain a record of formal complaints and their resolution, including those complaints reported to external agencies. The record will be housed within the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness and made available to the Higher Learning Commission peer reviewers for their review. Complaint records may also be subject to public disclosure laws and will be kept according to the state records retention laws.

In the unlikely event that an issue cannot be resolved internally, students, staff, and the members of the community may file a complaint with the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) and/or the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). These agencies should be contacted only after the student, staff, or member of the community has utilized the established informal and formal complaint process.

Wisconsin Technical Colleges System
Attn: Student Complaint Resolution
4622 University Avenue
PO Box 7874
Madison, WI 53707-7874
Link to form: Student Complaint Form

The Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604
Link to submit a complaint: Inquiry Form

Blackhawk Technical College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). As a member of SARA, any current or former student of a distance education program offered by Blackhawk Technical College may file a complaint with Wisconsin’s Distance Learning Authorization Board (DLAB) for Blackhawk Technical College distance education activity conducted across state lines under specific and limited circumstances. View the DLAB's Student Complaint Process for more information on the types of complaints handled by DLAB, steps to be taken before filing a complaint with DLAB, and the process to file a complaint with the DLAB. 

Our Policies and Reports

This report provides accurate statistics and information that illustrate our collective commitment to safety and crime prevention.

Our Code of Conduct promotes and preserves a safe environment for all who attend and participate in college-sponsored events or use our services.

In the event that some or all of our locations are forced to close due to inclement weather or other emergencies, BTC will:

  • Issue a message through SAFE Alert, the emergency notification system for BTC students, faculty and staff
  • Post closing or cancellation information on our website
  • Post closing or cancellation information on our Facebook page

We will make every effort to communicate closings by 6 a.m. for day classes and by 3 p.m. for evening classes. 

Blackhawk will also send notifications to the local media in the event of a College closing but cannot be guaranteed coverage or listing.

Blackhawk recognizes and supports the right of public assembly and expression. The public assembly policy and request form provide further information.

Any person required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Wisconsin or any other state law must provide notice of his or her sex offender registration to Blackhawk upon enrollment.