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Get to Know Gabrielle Hoffmann, DMS Student


Welcome to our “Get to Know Blackhawk” series, which uses a Q&A format to showcase the diverse and talented individuals within the college community.

What is your name? Where did you grow up and what high school did you attend?

My name is Gabrielle Hoffmann. I was born and raised in Roscoe, Illinois. I was homeschooled all my life.

Why did you choose to attend Blackhawk Technical College?

I chose Blackhawk because of the programs it offers. I’m so happy I did because I love my program.

What is your area of study? Is there something that drew you to the program?

I am a second-year student in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program here at Blackhawk. I always knew I wanted to help people and I wanted a job where I felt like I was making a difference. I’ve found both of those things and more in sonography. Ultrasound is my life’s passion and calling.

How has Blackhawk helped you to pursue or complete your goals?

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography instructors, Melissa and Michele, are a large reason as to why I’ve been successful so far. They are always looking for new ways to support their students. They care and want us to succeed.

Have you had to overcome any obstacles or challenges on your educational journey?

Being a full-time student in the medical field is hard. Between coursework and clinicals, most of our time is dedicated to this program. Blackhawk has many assistance programs that I wish more people knew about. I’ve been able to receive emergency financial aid through programs like Coins for Caring. The staff in the Care Center really cares if you meet your goals or not.

Are there any academic achievements that you’ve been proud to accomplish in your time at Blackhawk?

I applied for and was accepted into the SDMS Foundation Emerging Leaders Program thanks to the recommendation from my DMS instructors. This program mentors future leaders in the sonography field and has been such a wonderful opportunity for me.

Have you been the recipient of any scholarships or grants through the Blackhawk Foundation?

Yes, I most recently received the Barbara Kronquist Memorial Scholarship.

When do you plan to graduate and what are your plans for life after Blackhawk?

I am set to graduate this May! My goal after graduation is to be a pediatric sonographer.

What advice do you have for other individuals who are considering Blackhawk?

Just go for it! Go after what you want in life. The rest will work itself out.

If you had to pick one season to live in all year round, which season would you choose?


Who is your biggest influence?

My biggest influence right now is my fellow classmates. I’ve become so close to the other people in my program. I’m so grateful for such a wonderful group to go through this with. They make it easy.

What was your first job?

I was a swim instructor at Catch the Wave swim club. This definitely contributed to my want to get into pediatrics.

What is your favorite color? Why?

I love green. It is a very calming color that has so many beautiful shades. It can lean more rich and earthy or pastel and calming.

If you could be any animal, which one would you choose and why?

I would choose to be a horse. I would love to be able to run free like they do. Being a lazy cat to a sweet, rich lady also seems enticing.

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

Not a cartoon, but my brother and I religiously watched Animal Planet.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, which food would you pick?


What is your favorite pizza topping?

I know this is controversial, but pineapple! I think the sweetness of the pineapple compliments the savoriness of the pizza.

If you could learn any language, which one would you choose?

I would love to learn Spanish or American Sign Language. Spanish would be very helpful in my career. ASL would be as well, and I've always wanted to learn it. I already talk with my hands, so that's a step in the right direction!

If you could be a pro athlete in any sport, which sport would it be?

I’d be horrible at it, but ice skating. It is such a beautiful sport. I love that it combines athleticism with art.

If you could pick any foreign country to travel to, which one would you pick?

I think Thailand would be beautiful. I would also be interested in doing volunteer work using ultrasound overseas.

What’s one thing on your bucket list?

I've always wanted to pet and interact with sea otters. Some aquariums offer this experience. I hope to get to do that one day!

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