
News & Events

Funeral Service Program Comes to Life at BTC

Funeral Service Program Comes to Life at BTC

October 6, 2020

For many people, the idea of merely attending a funeral makes them uncomfortable, but a career in death care offers many opportunities. Blackhawk Technical College has joined with Milwaukee Area Technical College to prepare creative, passionate, service-oriented students for a career in funeral services. Students take their general education credits at Blackhawk and then transition to MATC for their core funeral service classes.

Rising COVID-19 in Wisconsin

Rising COVID-19 in Wisconsin

October 2, 2020

Our incident command team continues to monitor our situation very closely as we have seen a significant uptick in investigations following Labor Day.  In September, the team conducted 80 investigations regarding COVID-19. Through the investigative process, it was determined that only a very small number were positive confirmed cases of individuals who were on campus. The majority of all cases investigated were the result of exposures to the virus off-campus involving individuals who were not on campus.

Blackhawk among Top Honor Society Chapters; Awards Scholarship

Blackhawk among Top Honor Society Chapters; Awards Scholarship

September 29, 2020

One year ago, Blackhawk Tech inducted its first class of 46 students into a brand new chapter of the National Society for Leadership and Success (NSLS) honor society. Blackhawk students were invited to be a part of the NSLS based on specific requirements that included: a minimum GPA of 2.5, completion of at least 6 credits, and/or being a student leader on campus. Out of the more than 715 NSLS chapters across the country, Blackhawk achieved one of the 100 best induction rates for the 2019-20 academic year. Because of this, BTC was able to award one student a scholarship. 

Stay the Course this Fall

A Message from Dr. Pierner, BTC President

September 22, 2020

This week marks the official start of the fall season. As the days turn shorter and temps begin to drop, our region’s COVID-19 infection rates are on the rise. Therefore, it is important that we take a few moments to revisit our safety protocols.

High School Grads Benefit from New BTC Foundation Scholarship

High School Grads Benefit from New BTC Foundation Scholarship

September 21, 2020

BTC recently presented its new Blackhawk Technical College High School Scholarship to 25 high school graduates. Each high school in Rock and Green counties were allotted at least one award each for a high school senior committed to attend BTC. This scholarship marks the first time the BTC Foundation has awarded scholarship funds to such students. Most students received this $500, one-time award during their high school’s virtual honor ceremony. 

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