
News & Events

Chewing on a New Career

January 19, 2021

Makynzey Humphrey can say something that many of us will never say in our lives, “growing up, I loved going to the dentist.” This explains how, when she found out that Blackhawk had a dental assistant program, going back to school was an easy decision.

Right out of high school, Makynzey attended MATC for a year without much direction. Family stress and lack of focus led her to leave school and go to work. For the past four years, she’s been working various factory jobs, which proved to be less than satisfying. As she considered the toll that this work was taking on her body and the fact that she was working similar jobs to her boyfriend and making significantly less money, she knew something needed to change.

Makynzey in scrubs, seated in the dental lab at BTC

Working in a factory is not just physically exhausting; it is also emotionally and mentally draining. “I drove a fork truck, and we almost always had to work overtime,” she says. “I was trained in many different areas, and I wasn’t paid for my versatility. Did I learn a lot from my time there? Yes. But the main thing I learned was that I deserved better, and I was going to stop talking about college and just go.”

(Makynzey pictured in the dental lab located on Blackhawk's Central Campus)

So Makynzey started asking around for opinions and advice. “Anytime I would ask others’ opinions on school, they always said, ‘why would you do that; you have a job,’” she recalls. “Or, ‘most people who try to go back to college after the first time don’t usually make it. So, don’t waste your time?’ I didn’t want to be like the people I worked with. They truly believed that it was too late for them, or that I wasn’t going to succeed. And that is so sad, because if I can do it, anybody can.”

Joining the dental assistant program last year, Makynzey has enjoyed discovering this new world. Her enjoyment of going to the dentist and then working with an orthodontist to straighten her teeth led her to think, “maybe this is something I would enjoy doing every day,” and it seems she was right.

According to Lead Dental Assistant Instructor Kristen Ziegler, “Makynzey's success in the dental assistant program does not go unnoticed. She is committed to excelling in every aspect of the program and is an inspiration for other students.” 

Going back to school hasn’t been without its challenges. Makynzey quit her full-time job to work part-time. This requires her boyfriend to work two jobs to make sure they continue to pay their bills and support their beloved dogs. They are willing to make the sacrifice now because they know it will lead to a better future.

Surrounded by a family full of musicians, Makynzey has appreciated the excuse of COVID to keep her focused on her studies. Pre-COVID, they spent a lot of time attending music events to support their friends and family. Now, it’s “easier to say no to friends and family. I was always afraid that people wouldn’t understand that school had to come first, and now I can say ‘sorry I have to study and COVID.’”

Makynzey is hoping to land a job at the clinic where she did her apprenticeship once she graduates. And if not there, then in another office that will appreciate her talent and skills.

Whatever happens, Kristen is excited that Makynzey plans to continue in BTCs new Dental Hygiene program and said, “The community is lucky to have Makynzey join the dental industry workforce.”

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