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Waiting List

Blackhawk is committed to ensuring transparent, consistent, and fair access to programs with limited capacity. A number of our programs are transitioning to a waiting list system to prioritize in-district (Rock and Green counties) residents and in-state out-of-district residents.


What it Means For You

For waiting list programs, accepted students will be ordered based on application acceptance date and residency using priority dates. Students are classified based on current status:

  • Pre-Core: A student who is currently not academically prepared for core program courses. (Detailed academic preparedness requirements coming soon)
  • Core Ready: A student who is currently academically prepared for the program, waiting for a program seat to become available.
  • Core Active: A student who is currently in the core classes for the program of choice.

Proof of residency will be required for a student to move from pre-core to core ready status. All program waiting lists are managed by Student Services and administered in accordance with Wisconsin TCS 10.07.

Upcoming Informational Meetings (Current Students)

The change from petition process to a waiting list goes into effect Summer 2025. If you are a current Blackhawk student, this change could affect you. Mark your calendar to attend the program session to learn about the important changes.

If you are an incoming student, this information will be covered during your onboarding process.

Dental Hygienist

4 p.m. Tuesday, March 25

Blackhawk Room, Central Building, Beloit-Janesville Campus

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Can't make it in person? Join us via Zoom

Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Vascular Technology

1 p.m. Tuesday, March 25

Conference Center, Central Building, Beloit-Janesville Campus

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Can't make it in person? Join us via Zoom

4 p.m. Wednesday, March 26

Conference Center, Central Building, Beloit-Janesville Campus

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Can't make it in person? Join us via Zoom

5 p.m. Tuesday, March 25

Room 1269, Central Building, Beloit-Janesville Campus

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(No Zoom available)

1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 26

Conference Center, Central Building, Beloit-Janesville Campus

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Can't make it in person? Join us via Zoom

2 p.m. Tuesday, March 25

Room 1240, Central Building, Beloit-Janesville Campus

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Can't make it in person? Join us via Zoom

Pre-Core Dates for Waiting List Process

Application Residency Priority Date: Oct. 1

Accepted students will be ordered based on completed application acceptance date and residency using priority dates.

First Monday of January: An email will be sent to the student's Blackhawk email notifying that they are deemed pre-core. Students will have 14 days from the date the email is provided to communicate with their assigned academic advisor if they do not agree with status of pre-core based on academic preparedness requirements as of January 1.

Application Residency Priority Date: Jan. 1

Accepted students will be ordered based on completed application acceptance date and residency using priority dates.

First Monday of January: An email will be sent to student's Blackhawk email notifying that they are deemed pre-core. Students will have 14 days from the date the email is provided to communicate with their assigned college advisor if they do not agree with status of pre-core based on academic preparedness requirements as of January 1.

Application Residency Priority Date: May 1

Accepted students will be ordered based on completed application acceptance date and residency using priority dates.

First Monday of June: An email will be sent to student's Blackhawk email notifying that they are deemed pre-core. Students will have 14 days from the date the email is provided to communicate with their assigned college advisor if they do not agree with status of pre-core based on academic preparedness requirements as of May 1.

Core Ready Dates for Waiting List Process

Core Ready

First Monday in February: Students will receive an email in their Blackhawk account that they are core ready, but a seat is not yet available. Instructions will be included on how to complete student actions.

Student action required:

  • Do you want to remain on the program waiting list?
  • If a seat becomes available for the upcoming term, would you accept the seat?
  • Are you no longer interested in remaining on the waiting list?

No student response will result in removal from the waiting list.

Core Active

Second Monday in March: An email will be sent to students who are offered seats based on the waiting list process. Students get 21 days to respond if they accept seat or defer.

If students accept the seat, they will need to complete the program-specific core ready task list by May 30. The task list will be provided by the program in which you have accepted a seat.

No student response will result in removal from the waiting list.

Students can be notified by phone and Blackhawk email of an available program seat up to seven days before the start of the semester.

Core Ready

First Monday in February: Students will receive an email in their Blackhawk account that they are core ready, but a seat is not yet available. Instructions will be included on how to complete student actions.

Student action required:

  • Do you want to remain on the program waiting list?
  • If a seat becomes available for the upcoming term, would you accept the seat?
  • Are you no longer interested in remaining on the waiting list?

No student response will result in removal from the waiting list.

Core Active

Second Monday in March: An email will be sent to students who are offered seats based on the waiting list process. Students get 21 days to respond if they accept seat or defer.

If students accept the seat, they will need to complete the program-specific core ready task list by July 30. The task list will be provided by the program in which you have accepted a seat.

No student response will result in removal from the waiting list.

Students can be notified by phone and Blackhawk email of an available program seat up to seven days before the start of the semester.

Core Ready

First Monday in July: Students will receive an email in their Blackhawk account that they are core ready, but a seat is not yet available. Instructions will be included on how to complete student actions.

Student action required:

  • Do you want to remain on the program waiting list?
  • If a seat becomes available for the upcoming term, would you accept the seat?
  • Are you no longer interested in remaining on the waiting list?

No student response will result in removal from the waiting list.

Core Active

Second Monday in August: An email will be sent to students who are offered seats based on the waiting list process. Students get 21 days to respond if they accept seat or defer.

If students accept the seat, they will need to complete the program-specific core ready task list by Dec. 30. The task list will be provided by the program in which you have accepted a seat.

No student response will result in removal from the waiting list.

Students can be notified by phone and Blackhawk email of an available program seat up to seven days before the start of the semester.

Additional Evaluation

Students identified as core ready and offered a core active seat are ordered and notified based on the dates for waiting list process. Original students' acceptance dates and priority ordering will not be affected by the identification of additional core ready students. If a program has less core ready applicants than seats available, Blackhawk will evaluate waiting list students' pre-core to core ready status to determine if additional students are core ready after the current semester concludes. 

All applicants who are identified as moving from pre-core to core ready after the initial waiting list evaluation date (Jan. 1 or May 1) will be ordered according to college acceptance (original waiting list or program change) date. Core ready evaluation to fill seats for programs will occur 15 days before the start of the current enrollment term, after current semester grades are posted. Students can be notified by phone and email of an available program seat up to 7 days before the start of the semester.

Questions About the Waiting List Process?

Any questions you have regarding the waiting list process should be directed to your advisor.