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Golden Brick Awards

The Golden Brick Awards Ceremony is an event that celebrates the achievements, aspirations, and contributions of our community’s industry partners and individuals who have gone above and beyond in the past year to advance Blackhawk’s mission and vision of preparing students to be successful in work and life.


2025 Golden Brick Awards

8:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 4

Additional information coming soon!

Blackhawk Holds Third Annual Golden Brick Awards

April 26, 2024: Blackhawk Technical College held its 3rd Annual Golden Brick Awards on Thursday afternoon to honor community members, industry partners and Blackhawk alumni and staff who have gone above and beyond in the past year to advance Blackhawk’s mission and vision of preparing students for work and life.

Community Partnership Award

This award honors employers, key community leaders, or organizations who have made significant contributions through a sustained and reciprocal partnership with Blackhawk.

2024 Winner: Boys & Girls Club of Janesville

Community Partnership award winner

Technical Education Champion Award

This award recognizes key community and industry leaders who demonstrate an exemplary level of partnership with the College to promote technical education and economic development.

2024 Winner: Prent Corporation

Technical Education Champion Award winner

K-12 Partner Award

This award recognizes an exceptional K-12 school partnership with the College that has a common goal of growing a high-quality talent pipeline for the next generation workforce for our communities.

2024 Winner: South Beloit School District

K-12 Partner Award Winner

Additional Awards

The nomination selection process has already occurred for the Alumni Awards and the Faculty & Staff Awards. They were formally recognized and honored at the 2024 Golden Brick Awards Ceremony.

Distinguished Alumni Award

This award honors a truly outstanding Blackhawk graduate who has demonstrated the value of a technical college education through career accomplishments, community service, continued personal and educational growth, and support of the technical college system.

2024 Winner: Tinika Kilgore

Distinguished Alumni Award winner

Philanthropic Award

This award honors those whose generosity have made an impact on the College and BTC Foundation with their philanthropic contributions to open doors for Blackhawk students, programs, and facilities.

2024 Winner: Alliant Energy

Philanthropic Award winner

Distinguished Faculty Award

This award honors a staff member who contributes in significant ways to their respective program, their division/department, or the larger Blackhawk Technical College community.

2024 Winner: Lisa Johnson

Distinguished Faculty Award Winner Lisa Johnson

Rising Star Alumni Award

This award recognizes the initiative as well as accomplishments of Blackhawk alumni who are making a significant difference in the world soon after their graduation and who have attained a notable degree of impact through their professional accomplishments and/or community service.

2024 Winner: Kaleb Shafer

Rising Star Alumni Award winner

Distinguished Staff Award

This award honors a staff member who contributes in significant ways to their respective program, their division/department, or the larger Blackhawk Technical College community.

2024 Winner: Marissa Greuel Hainstock

Distinguished Staff Award winner Marissa Greuel Hainstock

Distinguished Staff Award

This award honors a staff member who contributes in significant ways to their respective program, their division/department, or the larger Blackhawk Technical College community.

2024 Winner: Elizabeth Howard

Distinguished Staff Award winner Elizabeth Howard

Distinguished Staff Award

This award honors a staff member who contributes in significant ways to their respective program, their division/department, or the larger Blackhawk Technical College community.

2024 Winner: Cynthia Delcourt

Distinguished Staff Award Winner Cynthia Delcourt

Distinguished Staff Award

This award honors a staff member who contributes in significant ways to their respective program, their division/department, or the larger Blackhawk Technical College community.

2024 Winner: Tiffany Garrison

Distinguished Staff Award Winner Tiffany Garrison

2024 Golden Brick Awards Program