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For the Love of Cooking

Rebecca Williams inside Central Campus

Rebecca Williams grew up helping her mom in the kitchen. Learning recipes helped her develop her math skills, she said. It also helped her develop a passion for cooking and nutrition.

Rebecca, who is a graduate of Janesville’s Parker High School, took her passion to Blackhawk Technical College’s Culinary Arts program and is pursuing a career in food service. Besides location and an award-winning culinary program, Blackhawk was an ideal place for Rebecca because it had the resources to help her navigate her education with a learning disability.

While growing up, Rebecca struggled academically and with confidence to achieve her goals.

“My mother was the one to push me all the way to completing my degree,” she said. “There was a time when I seriously considered dropping out of college because I didn't think I was smart enough to complete my studies.”

Blackhawk’s Access and Accommodations Service works with many students faced with diverse challenges, including documented disabilities, parenting accommodations, and temporary and non-chronic impairment. Access and accommodations can also be made for students and guests who participate in BTC-sponsored activities.

Rebecca has utilized the academic support BTC offers, and she credits that support and her helpful instructors for her success at Blackhawk.

“I overcame my learning disability in many ways by working hard and not letting anything stand in the way of me earning my degree,” she said.

After graduation this December, Rebecca wants to work in a hospital.

“I would love to work in a hospital because nutrition is a big passion of mine, and it would provide me with more experience in that field,” she said.

Even though they don’t spend as much time in the kitchen together as they used to, Rebecca and her mother are still close.

“I'm really close to my mom, and we do everything together. She has been my pillar of strength throughout everything, even when I thought about giving up,” she said.

If you have a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact Access and Accommodations Services at or stop in the Student Success Center, Room 2200.

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