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After 14 Years as a Nursing Instructor, Sue Potter Says Goodbye to Blackhawk


Teaching wasn’t something Sue Potter initially envisioned for her career when she became a registered nurse 40 years ago. However, for the past 14 years, she has found fulfillment as a nursing instructor at Blackhawk, dedicating herself to educating the next generation of nurses.

Sue, who will retire on Dec. 20, reflects on what she will miss the most: the rewarding experience of guiding her students and the camaraderie of her colleagues.

What was your journey to your role as a Nursing instructor?

The journey leading up to my time here started when I became a registered nurse in 1984. I graduated from a hospital-based diploma nursing program (Rockford Memorial Hospital), finished my Bachelor of Science in Nursing a few years later, and then completed my Master’s Degree in Nursing. Along the way, I worked in various roles in hospital and outpatient settings.  

Is there something that drew you to this career?

While teaching in a nursing program was not my initial intention, some encouragement from a mentor who was already a nursing instructor at Blackhawk led me to embrace a new opportunity. I found myself teaching in the first semester of the program and quickly found it exciting and rewarding to introduce students to the nursing profession. 

What are you most proud of being a part of in your time at Blackhawk?

Being there when a student has an “ah ha” moment is awesome! I think this is why I continued to work in the first semester throughout my tenure here. 

What have you liked most about working at Blackhawk?

Besides working with the students, there are many wise and creative instructors throughout Blackhawk. I met a number of them while serving on collegewide committees and discovered new teaching strategies and resources. Faculty throughout the college consistently focus on student success, which is one important aspect of working at Blackhawk.  

What will you miss most about Blackhawk?

While I am excited to retire, I will miss my colleagues in the nursing program. These folks are caring professionals who always jump in to help when needed. 

Do you have any plans for retirement?

My husband and I will travel for some time in the next year. I also look forward to getting back to some favorite activities, like baking and flower gardening.

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