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Ag Instructors Harvest Top Honors

Dusty Williams and Ralph Johnson, BTC instructors in the agribusiness program, were honored recently at the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators Conference in Lacrosse, WI. 

Ralph is a BTC adjunct instructor who teaches the Intro to Animal Science, Livestock Nutrition, and Livestock Management courses.  He was awarded the Honored Secondary Educator award for his 30+ years of outstanding teaching and FFA advising in high school agriculture, primarily at Juda High School.  Ralph is also a Crystal Apple award recipient and has taught at BTC for two years. 

Dusty was also honored by his peers as the 2021 Outstanding Postsecondary Agricultural Educator. He said, "It was an honor receiving this award alongside Ralph. He is a very valued part of the team here at BTC.  I am very honored by this award as it is the top award that a postsecondary educator can individually receive at the WAAE conference." 

We are certainly grateful for our dedicated, award-winning faculty members in the agribusiness program.  

The BTC Agriculture program was also nominated by surrounding high school ag programs to represent the section and apply for the WI Outstanding Postsecondary Program.  Stay tuned for more information on that as Dusty will be filling out the application for that honor this next year.  

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Blackhawk Magazine

Blackhawk Magazine

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