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Ahead of the Curve: Natalie Spicer Paves Path to Success in Business Management


Editor’s Note: Ahead of the Curve is a series of stories that spotlights five Rock University High School seniors who earned their associate degree two weeks before they graduated from high school.

Like many high school students, Natalie Spicer found herself at a crossroads, uncertain about her post-secondary path. Seeking direction, she decided to try some college business courses offered through Blackhawk’s dual enrollment program.

Natalie embraced this new opportunity and took several business courses while still attending Rock University High School. After two years, Natalie earned her associate degree in Business Management from Blackhawk on May 20 - two weeks before earning her high school diploma.

Some of her classes enabled Natalie to apply her interests to the work, which helped her gain insight on her potential career options.

“I really enjoyed looking at statistics and marketing tactics for recent Resident Evil video games because I also play them,” she said.

For students interested in dual enrollment opportunities, Natalie encourages them not to take too many classes. 

“It is a lot of work and time if you want to get valuable information out of your classes, so keep that in mind when you're choosing how many you want to take,” she said.

Natalie also urges students not to be scared to ask questions because the instructors are always willing to answer them.

Now graduated, Natalie plans on looking for a job related to her degree to see how she likes it before deciding whether to further her education in that field.

“Working in business management is much different from taking classes in business management,” she said.

Start College in High School

High school students can earn college credit through advanced standing or transcripted credit articulation agreements between Blackhawk and high schools in Rock and Green counties,

High school students also can participate in the Start College Now program, which is open to juniors and seniors who have approval from their school district and meet other requirements.

Learn more about the options at

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