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Coach Spotlight: Mike Bennett, Co-Ed Bowling


Coach Bennett is one of six new coaches at Blackhawk, supporting the college's new sports, including men’s golf, coed clay target shooting, women’s volleyball, coed bowling, and men’s and women’s basketball.

An alumnus of Blackhawk, Coach Bennett earned a degree in Business Management after graduating from Janesville Parker High School, where he was a member of the wrestling team and was bowling in leagues.

Having first-hand knowledge of what student life is like at Blackhawk, Coach Bennett believes that Blackhawk is a great choice for potential students who would like to pursue bowling.

“We can provide a good education and the bowling program is striving to be on top,” he said.

Coach Bennett brings nine years of bowling coaching experience with him, seven of those years coaching at a high school prior to becoming the Blackhawk coach. He believes that an individual approach is best, working with each player on their own in order to foster player improvement and development.

“I work with the players and improve their style because bowling is not mechanical and we are not all built the same way,” he said.

As a bowler himself for over forty years, Coach Bennett has participated in various leagues in addition to local, state and national tournaments. And while bowling is something he is passionate about, his approach to athletics and education is to always promote education. 

Students interested in learning more about Blackhawk Athletics can visit or reach out to Athletic Director Nile Finneyat

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