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COVID-19 Community-Based Vaccination Clinic is Moving to a New Location

The following information was shared by the Rock County Public Health Department:

The free COVID-19 Community-Based Vaccination Clinic that has been operating at the Blackhawk Technical College (BTC) Central Campus in Janesville will be moving to the building that previously housed the Rock County Job Center beginning Tuesday, October 5, 2021. The building that previously housed the Job Center is located at 1900 Center Avenue, Janesville, WI. Pre-registration is available at or by calling 844-684-1064. Walk-ins are also welcome. The hours of operation will remain the same. 

The hours of operation are: 
  • Tuesdays 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursdays 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

The Community-Based Vaccination Clinic is operated by the Wisconsin Department of Health Service (DHS) in partnership with AMI Expeditionary Health (AMI). They have been providing COVID-19 vaccinations at the main BTC Campus since February 16, 2021. Beginning the week of July 19, 2021, they began operating out of a freestanding structure on the main BTC Campus. The recent opening of the new Dr. Daniel Hale Williams Resource Center provided the opportunity for the Community-Based clinic to move into the vacated Job Center Building in anticipation of cooler weather to come. According to DHS and AMI representatives, free vaccinations will continue as long as there are enough Rock County residents seeking vaccination.

We strongly urge Rock County residents who are not vaccinated to take advantage of the convenient, no-cost site. Booster doses are also available at this location for anyone who qualifies.

If anyone who would like to be vaccinated requires transportation assistance, please phone 211 to arrange a ride. 

As always, please continue to wash your hands with soap and water, stay home if you are sick, and get vaccinated to protect yourself, your families, and your friends. Please also continue to test if exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and follow isolation guidelines if you test positive.


Rock County Public Health Department serves Rock County citizens by collaborating with partners to ensure a healthy, thriving Rock County. For the latest information about COVID-19 in Rock County, visit the Rock County Public Health Department website at and follow us on social media @rockcountyphd.

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