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Fall 2022 President's Lists Announced

Congratulations to the Blackhawk Technical College students named to the President’s High Honors list (4.0 GPA) and President's Honors (3.5 GPA or higher) for Fall 2022. Students on both lists were enrolled in six or more credit hours.


Emily Abramat, Undeclared, Beloit

Britney N. Adams, IT-Network Specialist, Brodhead

Kathleen Adams, Undeclared, Janesville

Monique J. Addison, Undeclared, Harvard

Lisa Anderson, Dental Hygienist, Clinton

Courtney E. Appelbaum, PTA Pre-Clinical, Lake Mills

Hunter E. Baars, Medical Administrative Coder, Orfordville

Lillyann R. Baertschi, Accounting, Albany

Makenna Balch, Nursing, Milton

Annie R. Barnes, Digital Marketing, Janesville

April N. Barr, Radiography, Janesville

Brooke Barrington, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Madison

Amy Beck, CNC Technician, Beloit

Maggie R. Becker, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Rachel A. Belanger, Human Services, Janesville

Sean Bickel, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Trae Birkholz, Human Services, Janesville

Kelsey A. Blankenheim, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Portage

Vicente Bolanos, Foundations of Teacher Education, Beloit

Haleigh J. Bosin, Foundations of Teacher Education, Beloit

Michelle L. Brace, Medical Administrative Coder, Beloit

Lori L. Brice, Human Services, Dodgeville

McKenzie L. Briggs, Start College Now, Janesville

Theresa M. Brittingham, Medical Administrative Coder, Janesville

Aradai Bruno, Surgical Technician, Beloit

Taylor Burrell, Early Childhood Education, Orfordville

Tia J. Burri, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Mackenzie S. Byrne, Dental Hygienist, Juda

Ashley Camling, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Oregon

Tawnya S. Castellanos, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Alexandra Castillo, Medical Laboratory Technician, Delavan

Dominic Cavadias, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Fort Atkinson

Jacob A. Ciszek, Undeclared, Elkhorn

Marion M. Clark, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Beloit

Chelsea A. Coakley, Culinary Arts, Janesville

Caleb C. Coan, PTA Pre-Clinical, Waukesha

DeAnna M. Cobun, Human Services, Milton

Miranda Coleman, Nursing, Janesville

Alanna R. Colunga, Medical Assistant, Delavan

Kade J. Cook, Business Management, Beloit

Otis J. Coulthard, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Trayvon A. Crain, Foundations of Teacher Education, Janesville

John Cust, Electric Power Distribution, Appleton

Trinity J. Czerwinski, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Milton

Rebecca L. Daniels, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Burlington

Ann M. Davis, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Middleton

Collin Deets, Undeclared, Janesville

Bridget M. Deltgen, Business Management, Janesville

Hannah A. Derrickson, Criminal Justice Studies, Monroe

Alice J. Dimassis, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Alexander W. Doane, Undeclared, Janesville

Michael Dominy, Industrial Maint Mechanic, Janesville

Maya Douglas, Human Services, Beloit

Jenna Dowdy, Nursing, Mukwonago

Joseph K. Dremsa, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Matthew Drew, Business Management, Beloit

Katherine Dunlap, Medical Administrative Coder, Walworth

Haley E. Dunphy, Dental Hygienist, Evansville

Brianna M. Farrey, Medical Administrative Coder, Monroe

Noah R. Fenrick, Agribusiness Specialist, Juda

Alexis Fields, Medical Assistant, Janesville

Tiffany Fillner, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Brooklyn

Garrett J. Fisher, Nursing, Monroe

Kimberly M. Fisher, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Adam Fletcher, IT-Network Specialist, Avalon

Kaden J. Fluckiger, Machinist Apprenticeship, Edgerton

Jennifer D. Forrest, Sales Management, Monroe

Natalie Forster, Start College Now, Janesville

Hailey Frazier, Nursing, Roscoe

Darcy L. Fredrickson, Nursing, Madison

Lucy Freiburger, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Monticello

Marelvi Gaxhaj, Manufacturing Engineering Tech, Janesville

Kristin L. Gehrke, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Verona

Alyssa R. Giannone, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Sara M. Gibson, Dental Hygienist, Milton

Noah Gillespie, Welding, Janesville

Abigail J. Glendenning, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Rockford

Amber L. Golackson, Nursing, Monroe

Natalia J. Gonzalo, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Jaci A. Goodwin, Human Resources, Beloit

Lorena Guarneros, Surgical Technician, Beloit

Brooke l. Guenther, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Amber Hammack, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Janesville

Alexis Hammer, Foundations of Teacher Education, Evansville

Jacob Harder, Welding, Monroe

Vanessa M. Hartwig, Undeclared, Monroe

Renee L. Harwick, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Clinton

Jenna C. Havlik, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Avoca

Lynn M. Heidt, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Delavan

Erik J. Hillstrom, Air Cond, Htg & Refrig Technol, Brodhead

Robert R. Hinds, Undeclared, Whitewater

Elijah M. Hoffland, Undeclared, Janesville

Gabrielle L. Hoffmann, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Rockton

Hope J. Hopper, Early Childhood Education, Beloit

Hannah Hughes, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Janesville

Annabelle D. Hundt, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Janesville

Giovanni Jaimes, Business Management, Beloit

Linnea A. James, Human Services, Footville

Jamie M. Jelle, Behavior Technician, Mineral Point

Macy S. Jensen, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Janesville

Richard O. Jero, Digital Marketing, Orfordville

Austin J. Johnson, Accounting, Beloit

Ezra G. Johnson, Human Services, Beloit

Aaron C. Kahl, Business Management, Janesville

Amber L. Katz, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Rylee J. Kerl, Early Childhood Education, Brodhead

Hailey M. Kind, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Albany

Justin J. Kohn, Leadership Development, Janesville

Chloe A. Kopec, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Monona

Evanthia Koulouri Koulouri, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Beloit

Jessica Krause, Nursing, Monroe

Madalynn M. Krutzik, Supply Chain Management, Wisconsin Rapids

Keira Lamphier, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Verona

Megan Laws, Early Childhood Education, Beloit

Brandi Legreid, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Nicole L. Lehr, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Monticello

Katherine V. Lemberger, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Muskego

Erin N. Lemezis-Schadewaldt, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Brodhead

Ashliey B. Lerma-Ruelas, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Deanna Lette, Administrative Professional, Janesville

Samantha E. Lewey, Accounting, Janesville

Coral L. Lewis, Foundations of Teacher Education, Beloit

Alexandrea J. Lindquist, Nursing, Evansville

Jeremy Line, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Monroe

Trinitie Lissa, Early Childhood Education, Janesville

Katie M. Lopez, Accounting, Janesville

Margaret Lowell, Nursing, Janesville

Jacqueline L. Lucas, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Hailey L. Mackey Tillett, Accounting Assistant, Beloit

Anastatia M. Maerz, Nursing, Stoughton

Estefania Martinez Avalos, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Paola Martinez, Medical Administrative Coder, Beloit

Alexa R. Marty, Medical Assistant, Monroe

Tyler Mason, Electric Power Distribution, Evansville

Melissa L. McAdory, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Casey Mccoic, Electric Power Distribution, Wonewoc

Matthew H. McGlynn, Industrial Maint Mechanic, Gratiot

Megan McGuire, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Sandra McKain, Digital Marketing, Oconomowoc

Alison McMillan, Business Management, Columbus

Kimberly C. Mcmillan-Goodwin, Business Management, Columbus

Cody M. Melton, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Kelly Messier, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Fort Atkinson

Whitney L. Mettler, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Edgerton

Tomara M. Mierow, PTA Pre-Clinical, Caledonia

Tonya M. Miller, Accounting, Clinton

Nikao C. Milligan, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Janesville

Sadie Minor, Nursing, Janesville

Gabriella Mireles, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Meaghan M. Misulonas, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Machesney Park

Nicole R. Moffatt, Human Services, Fort Atkinson

Dillion Moore, Foundations of Teacher Education, Monroe

Lisa R. Muhammad, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Beloit

Samantha A. Mullen, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Melinda S. Needham, Laboratory Food Science Technician, Janesville

Amanda Newell, Accounting, Janesville

Elizabeth J. Nguyen, Radiography, South Beloit

Amanda J. Nichols, Accounting, Beloit

Karen Nicholson, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Evansville

Justin M. Nitka, Welding, Janesville

Emmanuel Noriega, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Tatum Novak, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Mineral Point

Sarah K. Nyen, Surgical Technician, Brodhead

Rachael Ohanian, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Janesville

Rachel A. Olin, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Beloit

Chassidy L. Olson, Substance Abuse Education, Janesville

Brenna Oneill, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Sun Prairie

James Onken, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Connor M. Opdahl, Electric Power Distribution, Milton

Brittany Oren, Dental Hygienist, Janesville

Kathleen A. Pawluk, Accounting, Janesville

Anna M. Payson, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Elkhorn

Brooke A. Pehl, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Melinda Pellerin, Business Management, Edgerton

Kelsey Peters, Human Services, Mauston

Meghan C. Phillips, Nursing, Milton

Connor J. Piala, Welding, Janesville

Tanya I. Pitman, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Monroe

Emily Pollard, Medical Administrative Coder, Janesville

Reagan P. Popp, Human Services, Beloit

Kaitlynn J. Porstmann, Accounting, Juda

Charles T. Prater, Criminal Justice Studies, Edgerton

Andrew I. Pregont, Accounting, Beloit

Shylow J. Prewitt, Substance Abuse Education, Beloit

Dakota Puckett, Computer Service Technician, South Beloit

Katherine O. Raisbeck, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Blanchardville

Bekka Reffett, IT-Web Software Developer, South Beloit

Jason Regan, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Kristen Rinehardt, Nursing, Janesville

Roxanne Rios, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Evansville

Nicholas M. Risseeuw, Culinary Arts, Rockford

Zachary A. Robbins, Undeclared, Janesville

Nichole M. Roberts, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Palmyra

Tara J. Rocheleau, Supply Chain Management, Monroe

Claudia Roesner, Human Resources, Delavan

Sarah G. Rogalla, Radiography, Janesville

Samuel Rohloff, Nursing, Janesville

Caleb J. Rossetti, IT-Web Software Developer, Brodhead

Mary F. Roth, Medical Assistant, Janesville

Tyler J. Ruggerio, Surgical Technician, Janesville

Siobhan M. Rung, Business Management, Delavan

Scott A. Sahy, IT-Network Specialist, Brodhead

Celeste Salazar, Early Childhood Education, Beloit

Bobbie J. Sanders, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Sun Prairie

Ashlee M. Sanftleben, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Adrianna Saynor, Medical Assistant, Delavan

Timothy J. Schadewaldt, Supply Chain Management, Brodhead

Jon T. Schaefer, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Andrew M. Scherwitz, Welding, Janesville

MaCenzie S. Schroeder, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Jennifer L. Schultz, Medical Administrative Coder, Evansville

Tara M. Shallcross, Medical Administrative Coder, Delavan

Natalia S. Shepherd, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Janesville

Elizabeth Shurmack, Accounting, South Beloit

Josie Smith, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Clinton

Daniela M. Snyder, Surgical Technician, Janesville

Erin G. Sorg, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Clinton

Cory Sowell, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Beloit

Andrea L. Staley, Human Resources, Lake Geneva

Elizabeth Steinke, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Elkhorn

Jordan Steurer, IT-Web Software Developer, Brodhead

Alex Stevenson, CNC Technician, Janesville

Desirae D. Stiefel, IT-Web Software Developer, Monroe

Kensie J. Stoikes, Human Resources, Milton

Jessica L. Strelecki, Business Management, Twin Lakes

Tyler Strickfaden, Criminal Justice Studies, Muskego

Mariana Tinajero- Espinoza, Nursing, Evansville

Alejandra Torres, Medical Assistant, Janesville

Roxanne M. Trent, Culinary Production Specialist, Delavan

Carsan D. Truman, Start College Now, Beloit

Emily Truman, Business Management, Janesville

Raegan Trunkhill, Nursing, Evansville

Zachary S. Tuma, Digital Marketing, Janesville

Lauren M. Turner, Surgical Technician, Orfordville

Bobbi A. Underdahl, Human Services, Janesville

Bjorn E. Unseth, Laboratory Food Science Technician, Soldiers Grove

Yasmin Valadez, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Delavan

Ricardo A. Valdez, Human Services, Beloit

Zyanya L. Vazquez, Human Resources, Whitewater

Ciria E. Velazquez, Business Management, South Beloit

Karen R. Vindedahl, Nursing, Janesville

Jenna E. Volciak, Radiography, Janesville

Luke E. Walker, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Edgerton

Adam M. Walters, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Madie L. Wanless, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Milton

Kaitlyn R. Wendt, Business Management, Janesville

Elijah D. West, Foundations of Teacher Education, Janesville

Julie A. White, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Kaylani B. Whitt, Foundations of Teacher Education, Brodhead

Baylie A. Wickingson, Accounting, Janesville

Paul Wicyk, Business Management, Janesville

Gunnar M. Wileman, IT-Network Specialist, Edgerton

Bret R. Williams, Surgical Technician, Brodhead

Savannah L. Winkler-Weber, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Alexandra Wood, Medical Administrative Coder, Lake Geneva

Jesse Worden, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Brett M. Yeadon, Medical Administrative Coder, Fort Atkinson

Kristin Young, Human Services, Beloit



Chuck J. Adkins, Criminal Justice Studies, Genoa City

Owen M. Aldrich, Welding, Janesville

Kaylyn J. Algrim-Bender, Radiography, Milton

Emily G. Allbee, Physical Therapist Assistant, Janesville

Landon Amato, HVAC/R, Beloit

Baleigh R. Anderson, Nursing, Beloit

Ryan C. Anderson, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Kristy D. Antonelli, Nursing, Beloit

Micheala F. Appner, Nursing, Beloit

German Aquino, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Maram M. Assaf, Criminal Justice Studies, Monroe

Kendra E. Bach, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Verona

Juliann M. Baertschi, Early Childhood Education, Albany

Karson R. Bailey, Dental Hygienist, Janesville

Rachel L. Bailey, Dental Assistant, Janesville

Haley I. Bain, Early Childhood Education, Darien

Jennifer J. Baker, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Janesville

Micaelen Baldauf, Medical Assistant, Stoughton

Jeremiah E. Bales, IT-Network Specialist, Clinton

Vaughn L. Barker, Dental Assistant, Monroe

Elizabeth A. Baron, Undeclared, Edgerton

Kathryn Barr, Nursing, New Glarus

Laci R. Barrett, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Vanessa Barrios, Automotive Technician, Janesville

Alyssia Bartelt, Nursing, Evansville

Jarred A. Bartz, HVAC/R, Janesville

Wesley R. Bartz, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Selenna Bautista-Solis, Nursing, Delavan

Zea R. Becker, Maintenance Tech Apprentice, Janesville

Amanda R. Beggs, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Amanda Benash, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Madison

Alexa L. Benjamin, Business Management, Janesville

Morgan M. Berg, Dental Hygienist, Walworth

Kassandra A. Berget, Nursing, Brodhead

Itzel G. Bernal, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Walworth

Charmane Best, Medical Administrative Coder, Janesville

Harminder S. Bhatoya, HVAC/R, Walworth

Jordyn E. Bickle, Nursing, Janesville

Jessie B. Bienfang, Early Childhood Education, Fort Atkinson

Dylan T. Bjugstad, Supply Chain Management, Janesville

Londell A. Bland, Welding, Beloit

Joshua T. Blank, Laboratory Food Science Technician, Whitewater

Lydia M. Bohrman, Medical Assistant, Milton

Sarah A. Bolden, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Ava G. Bollinger, Start College Now, Elkhorn

Kathleen O. Bond, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Taylor N. Borchardt, Radiography, Whitewater

Francesca M. Borgia, Undeclared, Janesville

April M. Botten, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Kyle M. Bowman, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Matthew J. Bradley, Nursing, Beloit

Theodore A. Braman, Surgical Technician, Verona

Tanner J. Branch, HVAC/R, Edgerton

Caitlinn L. Briggs, Undeclared, Milton

Kara Briggs, Nursing, Janesville

Torey A. Bright, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Marquise D. Brooks, Supply Chain Management, Janesville

Chanler M. Brown, Radiography, Rockford

Terri Brown, CNC Technician, Janesville

Alicia H. Brunton, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Monroe

Millicent Bryant, Radiography, Rockford

Alyssa Buggs, Foundations of Teacher Education, Janesville

Brett M. Bunnell, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Janesville

Hunter J. Burkhamer, Automotive Technician, Janesville

Skila M. Burlingame, Business Management, Janesville

Jen Burno, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Clinton

Noel Bustillos, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Heather Butler, Nursing, Browntown

Kelli J. Butts, Nursing, Janesville

Victoria J. Cairns, Radiography, Edgerton

Lizette Calixto, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Lake Geneva

Jordan A. Calley, Nursing, Evansville

Guy Calvert, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Christopher G. Campos, Maintenance Tech Apprentice, Edgerton

Mackenzie P. Capelle, Nursing, Milton

Pricila Cardenas, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Rockford

Alyssa Carmichael, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Rockford

Taylor M. Carnes, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Belleville

Brandy Carpentero, Digital Marketing, Janesville

Vanessa Carrasco, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Enrique J. Casiano, Nursing, Janesville

Daniela S. Casique, Business Management, Beloit

Nicole L. Cawkins, Nursing, Beloit

Summer L. Chapman, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Palmyra

Rebecca J. Cherney, Human Services, Monroe

Nichole J. Christensen, Nursing, Beloit

Tanner S. Christopherson, Undeclared, Beloit

Jenna R. Cleaton, Accounting, Janesville

Leah Coccari-Swift, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Madison

Cassandra L. Coggins, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Kalyn J. Collins, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Janesville

Lauren E. Comella, Nursing, Janesville

Tashlee A. Condon, Medical Administrative Coder, Brodhead

Kristina J. Conner, Nursing, Beloit

Lakeesha Conner, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Dylan R. Connors, Human Services, Clinton

Whitney N. Connors, Nursing, Belleville

Issa Conombo, Agribusiness/Science Technolog, Beloit

Garrett R. Cook, Medical Administrative Coder, Beloit

Logan W. Cordero, Culinary Arts, Janesville

Ieshia L. Cornell, Early Childhood Education, Beloit

Allyson L. Cothard, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Evelina Coulthard, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Dakhia S. Crawford, Nursing, Beloit

Harrison D. Creed, Fire Protection Technician, Janesville

Bertha Cruz Herrera, Nursing, Edgerton

Bryan Cruz, Welding, Beloit

Alexia J. Cuazozon, Business Management, Janesville

Krista A. Cummings, Nursing, Edgerton

Brooke Curfman, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

India Currie, Human Services, Janesville

Jayden A. Dahlberg, Welding, South Beloit

Logan K. Dahlke, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Danielle D. Daringer, Administrative Professional, Beloit

Brittany M. Davis, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Hannah C. Davis, Electro-Mechanical Technology, Janesville

Kristi Davis, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Lauren Day, Criminal Justice Studies, Blanchardville

Dennis A. Dazey, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Rockford

Daniel K. Dean, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Carolina E. Delgado, Nursing, Beloit

Emily D. Denio, Nursing, Janesville

Samantha R. Detra, Nursing, Albany

Alex R. Dewitte, Physical Therapist Assistant, Oconomowoc

Kaylin M. Dilley, Dental Assistant, Beloit

Angelina M. Doane, PTA Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Hollie L. Dohner, Medical Administrative Coder, Janesville

Allison E. Dorsey, Dental Assistant, Janesville

Amanda J. Draeving, Behavior Technician, Evansville

Sierra A. Draeving, Individualized Tech Studies, Beloit

Rachell S. Draper, Nursing, Orfordville

Marissa J. Drost, Nursing, Janesville

Joel Eddy, Diesel & Heavy Equipt Techn, Beloit

Ashton T. Edler, HVAC/R, Monroe

Fae R. Egli, Medical Laboratory Technician, Beloit

Kaitlyn Elgin, Undeclared, Monroe

Evan B. Ellis, Welding, Evansville

Amanda R. Elmer, Accounting, Janesville

Albana Emini, Phlebotomy Technician, Janesville

Artijola Emini, Phlebotomy Technician, Janesville

Josh Enderle, Undeclared, Janesville

Nancy Espana, Dental Hygienist, Whitewater

Brittany E. Esser, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Middleton

Marcus L. Evans, Culinary Arts, Freeport

Kyle Feucht, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Neosho

Hanna K. Field, Nursing, Beloit

Melinda A. Figeley, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Walworth

Madelyn Joy Finley, Dental Assistant, Janesville

Pamela M. Flock, Digital Marketing, South Beloit

Adriana Flores, Business Management, Beloit

Lily L. Foreman, Welding, Gratiot

Allyson Fox, Business Management, Janesville

Mallary Fox, Nursing, Monroe

Katrina Fraley, Nursing, Janesville

Lauren Fralka, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Cross Plains

Jill M. Freeman, Dental Assistant, Beloit

Amanda J. Friske, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Edgerton

Amber S. Froemming, Human Resources, Beloit

Sophie C. Fulk, Physical Therapist Assistant, Beloit

Jacqueline Galvan Guzman, Human Resources, Beloit

Wendpagnagde S. Gamene, Business Management, Beloit

Justin R. Ganus, Human Services, Orfordville

Angelica Gardner, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Dana S. Garlock, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Whitewater

Brisa S. Garnica Pina, Business Management, Janesville

Sherry Gertsch, Business Management, Monticello

Aaron Z. Gibson, Computer Service Technician, Janesville

Kenneth H. Gigstead, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Tom Gilbert, Welding, Stoughton

Isabella Gilmour, Business Management, Edgerton

Makynzie F. Gleichauf, Business Management, Brooklyn

Kristine l. Glos, Medical Administrative Coder, Beloit

Randi L. Gonsior, Digital Marketing, Whitewater

Adriel Gonzalez Rodriguez, Diesel & Heavy Equipt Techn, Whitewater

Jovan Gonzalez, IT-Network Specialist, Beloit

Roxanne L. Gonzalez, Business Management, Beloit

Heather L. Goold, Automation Systems Technology, Janesville

Jordan Gould, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Jacob Graham, Physical Therapist Assistant, Rockford

Kayla Graham, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Loves Park

Emily K. Grant, Early Childhood Education, Verona

Tracy J. Grassi, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Janesville

Alexis M. Graves, Surgical Technician, Janesville

McKenzie E. Gray, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Jacob S. Grebner, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Monroe

Elizabeth A. Green, Surgical Technician, Edgerton

Sandra Groesbeck, Medical Administrative Coder, Evansville

Theresa Gruener, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Elkhorn

Veronica A. Guerra, Human Resources, Beloit

Yovana I. Guerrero, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Milton

Mark R. Guttu, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Cassandra J. Guy, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Edgerton

Alexiana L. Guzman, Medical Assistant, Beloit

Naudiana E. Guzman, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Jennifer Hansen, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Rockton

Elliot M. Hanson, Welding, Edgerton

Misty L. Happ, Early Childhood Education, Monroe

Tyronae R. Harris, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Peyton B. Hasse, PTA Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Jarett Hatfield, Electro-Mechanical Technology, Janesville

Melanie Hathaway, Business Management Specialist, Evansville

Angel M. Hayward-Lee, Nursing, Beloit

Andrew Hegle, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Jessica R. Heimbaugh, Physical Therapist Assistant, Winnebago

Danielle Hein, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Edgerton

Matthew R. Hemiller, Undeclared, Watertown

Paul M. Henderson, Supply Chain Management, Roscoe

Edward Hernandez, Culinary Arts, Beloit

Elena C. Herrera, Nursing, Beloit

Francesca D. Herter, Criminal Justice Studies, Belvidere

Gracie M. Hill, Dental Hygienist, Janesville

Sierra M. Hill, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Alexis R. Hills, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Stoughton

Torie Hilts, Medical Assistant, Afton

Cora R. Hjelmberg, Nursing, Elkhorn

Adam J. Hobson, Culinary Arts, Beloit

Lindsey E. Hodges, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Milton

Francesca R. Hoerz, Physical Therapist Assistant, Janesville

Elizabeth M. Holderfield, Early Childhood Education, Madison

Brittney A. Hollman, Human Services, Evansville

Ashley A. Holman, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Lancaster

Shannon D. Hook, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Lodi

Amanda Hudy, Accounting, Windsor

Christopher Huff, Supply Chain Management, Beloit

Brittany L. Huffman, Nursing, Beloit

Jason J. Hunt, Agribusiness/Science Technolog, Beloit

Cynthia Jackson-Ausler, Substance Abuse Education, Janesville

Benjamin K. Jacobs, Criminal Justice Studies, Whitewater

Erik Jacobson, Supply Chain Management, Brodhead

Sarai Jaimes, Human Services, Beloit

Savannah Jensen, Human Services, Beloit

Gavin H. Jenson, Agribusiness/Science Technolog, Argyle

Justin M. Johnson, Automotive Technician, Janesville

Kayla M. Johnson, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Beloit

Michael E. Johnston, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Michelle Jones, Digital Marketing, Janesville

Jenna G. Jordan, Nursing, Madison

Alyssa B. Judge, Culinary Arts, Janesville

Amber N. Justian, PTA Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Sydney M. Kanable, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Milton

Teresiah W. Karanja, Nursing, Janesville

Leah N. Keirn, Physical Therapist Assistant, Roscoe

Jessica Keller, Nursing, Whitewater

Cora K. Kienbaum, Radiography, Janesville

Andrea S. Kittleson, Radiography, Janesville

Allen C. Kneisel, Industrial Maint Mechanic, Janesville

Xander J. Knezovich, CNC Technician, Evansville

Courtney J. Knox, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Milton

Lauren A. Knox, Dental Assistant, Janesville

Jeffery Knudson, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Beloit

Samantha K. Kotlarek, Digital Marketing, Janesville

Kyler J. Koutsky, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Palmyra

Grant B. Kreinz, HVAC/R, Beloit

Jenna M. Krueger, Medical Laboratory Technician, Monroe

Riese M. Krueger, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Claire L. Kueng, Radiography, Milton

Megan Lallier, Nursing, Deforest

Briannah M. Lamasters, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Mandy M. Lange, Substance Abuse Education, Janesville

Brittney Langer, Business Management, Janesville

Lynn Langer, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Milton

Ia O. Lao, Dental Assistant, Janesville

Mena Lao, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Wausau

Joe T. Lapointe, Nursing, Albany

Justin Larson, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Lindsay Larson, Business Management, Janesville

Megan E. Larson, Human Resources, Mcfarland

McKenna M. Lary, Substance Abuse Education, Milton

Leslie Lavariega, Nursing, Walworth

Erin M. Lee, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Monroe

Kristen M. Lee, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Stoughton

Morgan A. Leising, Radiography, Madison

Rebecca C. Leonhardt, Nursing, Janesville

Lauryn A. Lestarge, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Monroe

Avery K. Lettman, Electric Power Distribution, Belleville

Jonah Levia, Laboratory Food Science Technician, Monroe

Ross A. Lewandowski, Business Management, Stoughton

Patrick J. Licari, Digital Marketing, Rockford

Samantha J. Lindauer, Medical Administrative Coder, Fitchburg

Mekila Lindner, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Janesville

Eleanor Lindsay, Undeclared, Beloit

Amber Lindstrom, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Evansville

Lauren M. Liva, Radiography, Monona

Cody R. Logterman, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Konley E. Lokrantz, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Jacquelyn Lopez-Lavariega, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Jalil Luckey, Digital Marketing, Janesville

Amelia M. Lunde, Undeclared, Oregon

Megan M. Lunsman, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Denise Manriquez, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Melissa R. Marsch, Surgical Technician, Janesville

Aubrey E. Mason, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Edgerton

Nesa Mata, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Janesville

James Mathesius, Electro-Mechanical Technology, Milton

Jennifer Mathews, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Tyler J. Mathias, HVAC/R, Winnebago

Zachary M. Matson, Automotive Technician, Roscoe

Courtney May, Radiography, Janesville

Krysa McCain, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Evansville

Madelynn Mccann, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Ashley E. McDermott, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Blanchardville

Kayla Mcdevitt, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Genoa City

Isiah McGhee, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Laci McKaig, Nursing, Janesville

Brielle R. McKinley, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Milton

Shawn McMahon, Manufacturing Engineering Tech, Janesville

Briana L. Meade, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Janesville

Emilie Mekeel, Culinary Arts, Palmyra

Morgan M. Melahn, Nursing, Janesville

Nikole M. Meske, Radiography, Lake Mills

Ethan Mesner, Accounting, Monroe

Crystal A. Meyer, Nursing, Beloit

Legacy K. Meyer, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janseville

Kiana Miilu, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Madison

Olivia Mikulski, Accounting, Whitewater

Bailey L. Miller, Human Services, Janesville

Mallory G. Miller, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Monica Miller, Physical Therapist Assistant, Watertown

Adrian Miner, Human Services, Deerfield

Rosario Miranda Madrigal, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Watertown

Kellie R. Mitchell, Business Management, Beloit

Alexzandria D. Modeliste, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Rockford

Matthew C. Mollison, Start College Now, Beloit

Hannah Montefelt, Criminal Justice Studies, Orfordville

Karina D. Moreno-Zarza, Human Resources, Beloit

Madison N. Morgan, Culinary Arts, Beloit

Anne Morris, Surgical Technician, Loves Park

Mary L. Moulding, Surgical Technician, Johnson Creek

Kaden P. Myhres, Undeclared, South Beloit

Brandon R. Nance, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Darien

Klarissa Neff, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Gratiot

Nicholas C. Neumann, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Twin Lakes

Jessie A. Nightengale, IT-Web Software Developer, Janesville

Eric B. Norby, Business Management Specialist, Janesville

Samuel I. Norez, Air Cond, Htg & Refrig Technol, Beloit

Nicole M. Noyce, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Brooklyn

Linda A. Nunley, Nursing, Janesville

Brian K. Nunn, HVAC/R, Orfordville

Lindsey A. O'Connor, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Brodhead

Thaddeus P. Olson, Welding, Janesville

Addison M. Ommodt, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Brodhead

Daisy Ortiz, Nursing, Janesville

James W. Osinga, Diesel & Heavy Equipt Techn, Janesville

Heather L. Outland, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Estrella G. Palomino, Supply Chain Management, Clinton

Garrett S. Pandow, Criminal Justice Studies, Monroe

Brianna Pann-Bauman, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Emily Parker, Nursing, Janesville

Jade Pastorius, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Jefferson

Helly S. Patel, Nursing, Janesville

Matt R. Patridge, Welding, Whitewater

Bret Paulson, IT-Network Specialist, Fitchburg

Hannah V. Pautsch, Business Management, Beloit

Stephanie L. Pautsch, Early Childhood Education, Monroe

Talia E. Perez, Radiography, Beloit

Kaja R. Perisic, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Tammy K. Peters, Culinary Arts, Janesville

Micala Peterson, Undeclared, Evansville

Theresa E. Phillips, Nursing, Janesville

Denise Picicci, Medical Administrative Coder, East Troy

Leigh Pierce, Digital Marketing, Edgerton

Sydney A. Pinkowski, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Whitewater

Nathan P. Popanz, Computer Service Technician, Evansville

Sarah C. Pophal, Laboratory Food Science Technician, Middleton

Sarah Potter, IT-Network Specialist, Beloit

Amy E. Powell, Human Resources, Janesville

Brooklyn Powers, Criminal Justice Studies, Monroe

Jon Powers, Nursing, Lena

Kristin M. Prien, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Monroe

Thomas Pulaski, Welding, Beloit

Shelby M. Purdy, Medical Laboratory Technician, Janesville

Julia L. Pyles, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Johnsburg

Alaxandria J. Quade, Nursing, Beloit

Sally Quinonez, Surgical Technician, Beloit

Johanna R. Quintero, Culinary Arts, Darien

Hannah E. Ragan, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Mary J. Ramage, Medical Admin Specialist, Beloit

Cadee M. Ramirez, Undeclared, Sout Beloit

Katie L. Raskovic, Medical Laboratory Technician, New Glarus

Kyleigh L. Raupp, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Brodhead

Hailey N. Reck, Radiography, Janesville

Kylie E. Redman, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Orfordville

Mia C. Rice, Business Management, Milton

Wesley C. Richards, HVAC/R, Janesville

Sabrina L. Richardt, Nursing, Beloit

Layla Y. Rios-Sanchez, Early Childhood Education, Beloit

Yolanda M. Robertson, Leadership Development, Beloit

Timothy E. Rodden, Medical Laboratory Technician, Janesville

Cristian Rodriguez Aranda, Business Management, Delavan

Jamary Rodriguez Lugo, Accounting, Janesville

Cynthia Rodriguez, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Emily A. Roessler, Culinary Arts, Clear Lake

Amity R. Rogers, Dental Assistant, Edgerton

Joanna Rojas, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Breanna M. Romero, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Janet Rosas, Business Management, Beloit

Joaquin Rosas, Electric Power Distribution, Beloit

Madeline Rose, Human Services, Milton

Allison E. Rosencrans, Welding, Janesville

Piper D. Roush, Dental Assistant, Belvidere

Jacquilyn H. Rowley, Medical Assistant, Monroe

Caleb A. Rudnitzki, HVAC/R, Clinton

Kirsten D. Rudnitzki, Nursing, Beloit

Jamie L. Rudolph, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Nicole M. Rufenacht, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Evansville

Danielle Ruiz, Medical Administrative Coder, Janesville

Logan C. Runde, Manufacturing Engineering Tech, Milton

Vega Russell, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Barbara J. Rutherford, Accounting, Janesville

Rosalie M. Rutta, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Johnson Creek

Briana L. Sachs, Nursing, Beloit

Delaney L. Sak, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Monroe

Lesley C. Salgado, Human Services, Janesville

Kailan R. Schepper, Digital Marketing, Janesville

Kailee A. Schimelpfenig, Nursing, Oregon

Melanie M. Schmidt, Nursing, Janesville

Molly N. Schneider, PTA Pre-Clinical, Roscoe

Justin R. Schoville, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Grace L. Schrenk, Nursing, Monroe

Kennedy G. Schuenke, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Christopher A. Schultz, Radiography, Janesville

Asher L. Schumacher, Electro-Mechanical Technology, Janesville

Brianne H. Schumacher, Human Services, Brodhead

Karson L. Schumacher, Criminal Justice Studies, Beloit

Noah B. Schwark, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Samantha Semrau, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Fort Atkinson

Logan X. Shelby, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Beloit

Alyssa Shire, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Jorden R. Showers, Automotive Technician, Janesville

Miranda Slaback, Dental Hygienist, Janesville

Anthony J. Smith, Nursing, Browntown

Keijaun M. Smith, IT-Web Software Developer, Beloit

Dustin M. Sokolik, IT-Web Software Developer, Delavan

Hope E. Sorenson, Start College Now, Beloit

Cheyenne N. Spade, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Janesville

James Speer, Undeclared, South Beloit

Anabella I. Splinter, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Isaiah Stefan, Undeclared, Madison

Katrina M. Steiner, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Verona

Joie E. Steinmann, Agribusiness/Science Technolog, Brodhead

Samuel Stewart, IT-Network Specialist, Janesville

Michael Stinson, IT-Web Software Developer, Roscoe

Emily Y. Stoll, Nursing, Whitewater

Makayla M. Strunz, Dental Hygienist Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Shawn Stucker, Welding, Janesville

Alexa K. Suiter, Nursing, Albany

Noelle C. Swanson, Undeclared, Beloit

Meaghan E. Sweeney, Human Resources, Monroe

Brogan M. Swenson, Criminal Justice Studies, Orfordville

Brooke Teubert, Radiography, Brodhead

Samuel H. Tews, IT-Network Specialist, Beloit

Landon C. Theis, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Fitchburg

Mason Thelen, HVAC/R, Roscoe

David W. Thiering, Industrial Maint Mechanic, Orfordville

Ezekiel Z. Tishler, Radiography Pre-Clinical, Evansville

Symantha Tonstad, Medical Assistant, Edgerton

Kimee T. Townsend, Dental Assistant, Edgerton

Riley J. Trace, Nursing, Brodhead

Amanda M. Tracy, Surgical Tech Pre-Clinical, Janesville

Lindsay B. Travis, Physical Therapist Assistant, Sharon

Kaylee R. Trawicki, Human Resources, Evansville

Linh Trinh, Radiography, Beloit

Kyle S. Tripp, Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Academy, Genoa City

Jordan D. Trost, Digital Marketing, Burlington

Joy L. Trudeau, Accounting Assistant, Janesville

Antonio A. Unzueta, PTA Pre-Clinical, Waterloo

Amber R. Upton, Medical Assistant, Union

Michelle L. Utlaut, Behavior Technician, Saint Charles

Veronica J. Vallin, Early Childhood Education, Beloit

Christopher Van Caster, Nursing, Lake Mills

Mark A. Van Dyke, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Delavan

Kristina R. Vanaken, Radiography, Rockton

Gwendolyn M. VanDomelen, Culinary Arts, Mount Horeb

Sierra L. Vogel, Business Management, Janesville

Nicholas Voss, IT-Network Specialist, Milton

Joanne Wagenhoffer, Human Services, Janesville

Nevaeh H. Wahl, Human Services, Monroe

Regina Walker, Human Services, Janesville

DeAnna T. Wallace, Nursing, Janesville

Alexander M. Wallin, Physical Therapist Assistant, Loves Park

Mara M. Wanninger, Nursing, Beloit

Brian R. Warson, Nursing, Janesville

Shaina K. Wasmund, Central Service Technician, Beloit

Jason A. Weber, Transcripted Credit/Adv Stand, Milton

Nicole Webnar, Nursing, Brodhead

Hailey Wedige, Nursing, Janesville

Blake M. Wegner, IT-Network Specialist, Whitewater

Nicholas W. Weinfurter, Criminal Justice Studies, Edgerton

Brianna E. Weiss, Early Childhood Education, Monroe

Madilynn J. Welte, Nursing Pre-Clinical, Edgerton

Wendel Welter, Business Management, Whitewater

Edith Wence, Foundations of Teacher Education, Janesville

Alyssa N. Whaples, Digital Marketing, Rockford

Lindsey A. White, Criminal Justice Studies, Janesville

Michael S. Winn, CNC Technician, Beloit

Cayden J. Wittrock, Manufacturing Engineering Tech, Elkhorn

Bryce Wunschel, Digital Marketing, Evansville

Veronica L. Yanke, Medical Assistant, Delavan

Carly J. Young, DMS/VT Pre-Clinical, Beloit

Tasha Zimmerman, Nursing, Monroe

Olivia Zimmermann, Diagnostic Medical Sonography & Vascular Technology, Janesville

Tyler Zwieg, HVAC/R, Milton

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