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Get to Know Jake Ballard, Dental Hygienist Student


What is your name? Where did you grow up, and what high school did you attend?

My name is Jake Ballard, and I grew up in Monroe. I attended Monroe High School until my sophomore year and then I was homeschooled. 

Why did you choose to attend Blackhawk Technical College?

I chose Blackhawk because the Dental Hygiene program was accepting students. I also now live in Janesville and the location is convenient. 

What is your area of study? Is there something that drew you to the program?

I am a returning college student. My career began in Veterinary Medicine, and I found that I loved the hands-on dental aspect of animal medicine. That, combined with my newly discovered ability to communicate well with people one-on-one, led me into the dental hygiene field.

How has Blackhawk helped you to pursue or complete your goals?

It has given me an option to enter my chosen field while other institutions were not accepting any new students. The petition process was more attainable to me than a prolonged waitlist. This, combined with the Monroe location, made it the perfect fit.

Have you had to overcome any obstacles or challenges on your educational journey?

I had always struggled tremendously with math. Finishing two math classes became the last challenge in my way. I needed them to achieve my high school diploma at 18, but I never finished and just began working in construction. 

It was not until I met my wife, Claire, that I found the desire and passion to create a better life for myself. She encouraged me to achieve my high school diploma at age 24 and I was enrolled in college that fall to begin prerequisite classes for the Certified Veterinary Technician program, which I graduated from in 2019. I do not think I would have ever applied myself and grown up if it had not been for her support and love. 

Are you involved in any student organizations or extracurricular activities at Blackhawk?

I am a senator of the Dental Auxiliary Student Association (DASA) at Blackhawk Tech. 

Are there any academic achievements that you’ve been proud to accomplish in your time at Blackhawk?

To become accepted into the Dental Hygiene program was a great undertaking that I am proud to have achieved.

Have you been the recipient of any scholarships or grants through the Blackhawk Foundation?

I am proud to have received the Fall 2024 Rivertown Dental Scholarship.

When do you plan to graduate, and what are your plans for life after Blackhawk?

Spring 2026. I am interested in serving the Janesville area, and I may pursue my Bachelor’s degree in Dental Medicine as well. I would also like to become a traveling fill-in hygienist and work with a variety of dental offices. I will continue to use my knowledge as a Certified Veterinary Technician voluntarily.

What advice do you have for other individuals who are considering Blackhawk?

If you apply yourself to college like you do to other aspects of your life you consider important, and you are willing to organize your time and attention for a couple of years, Blackhawk can provide you with the skillset needed to create the life you want. The campus and resources are abundant.

Tell us something about yourself you think people would be surprised to know.

I did not graduate from high school at age 18 like most, nor was I ever interested in higher education. I began working as a roofer, a landscaper, and then as a furniture mover, and I have also worked in the food industry. I did well in these occupations, but I was not happy, and my wife knew it. It wasn’t until she told me one night after another grueling 14-hour workday that “If you worked as hard as you do at work in a college classroom, you simply cannot fail!” That’s when it clicked. She was right!

Do you play any musical instruments?

A great passion in my life is music. I have been a self-taught multi-instrumentalist since age 8 and I have played in many different groups and with many awesome musicians.

What is a song or artist that is always on your playlist?

I love classic rock/blues/oldies. I usually have Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and The Kinks, among many others, in the shuffle. I try to discover music every single day. 

What is your go-to karaoke song?

“Hopelessly Devoted to You” by Olivia Newton-John, from the movie “Grease.”

What was your first concert?

ZZ Top, Ted Nugent, and Kenny Wayne Shepherd at Alpine Valley. My dad won tickets for the entire family on the day of the show. I would have been 13 at the time.

What is your favorite movie?

“Apocalypse Now Redux,” released in 2001.

If you could hang out with any movie or TV character, who would you choose and why?

Conan O’Brien. I have always thought he is so witty and a genuinely good person.

What is your favorite book or author? What are you currently reading?

“The Hobbit.” It is short and sweet and captures everything I love about fantasy. Tolkien had a significant impact on me as a teen.

Do you have a favorite video game?

“Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.” Few activities allow me to be completely immersed in them without thinking about other things. This is one of them and I use it as a tool to unplug therapeutically.

Who is your hero?

Ernest Shackelton, the Antarctic naval explorer who, against all odds, between 1914 and 1917, kept his entire crew alive and motivated when their ship became stuck in ice, through leadership and resolve. It's the greatest survival story of all time.

If you could be any animal, which one would you choose and why?

I would have to be a dog for a week. I could gain deeper insight into the human-animal connection and use that to enhance the communication I have with animals. 

What’s one thing on your bucket list?

I have always dreamed of seeing the northern lights.

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