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Get to Know Samantha Kotlarek, Digital Marketing Student


Welcome to our “Get to Know Blackhawk” series, which uses a Q&A format to showcase the diverse and talented individuals within the college community.

What is your name? Where did you grow up and what high school did you attend?

My name is Samantha Kotlarek. I grew up in Milwaukee and attended an online high school.

Why did you choose to attend Blackhawk Technical College?

I chose to attend Blackhawk Technical College because I wanted to get a degree in just a few years, yet also wanted to move a bit from home.

What is your area of study? Is there something that drew you to the program?

I am graduating in May in the Digital Marketing program. I was interested in the design part of the major, but I also enjoy sales and marketing, so I felt like it fit the best.

How has Blackhawk helped you to pursue or complete your goals?

Blackhawk helped me pursue my goals by having the accommodations department, so I am able to get the accommodations I need to make sure I succeed.

Have you had to overcome any obstacles or challenges on your educational journey?

Being able to balance my personal life, school and work.

Are there any academic achievements that you’ve been proud to accomplish in your time at Blackhawk?

I have been on the President’s List every semester.

When do you plan to graduate and what are your plans for life after Blackhawk?

I am planning on moving back to Milwaukee to hopefully do social media for a business.

What advice do you have for other individuals who are considering Blackhawk?

Determine how you want to study and learn. Blackhawk offers classes that are MyEdChoice, where the classes are in-person, on Zoom during class time, and recorded to watch later. This way, you can learn whatever way works best for you. If you have a busy schedule with your work and personal life, Blackhawk would be great for you with the MyEdChoice classes! There are also in-person and online-only classes available.

Tell us something about yourself you think people would be surprised to know.

I have a huge family and am one of five siblings. I am also an aunt to six, who are all within 2.5 years of each other.

If you had to pick one season to live in all year round, which season would you choose?


Who is your biggest influence?

My parents. I would be nowhere without them and I really look up to them.

What was your first job?

I worked as a cashier at Kroger.

What's one song that must always be on your playlist?

I do not have a favorite song, but I love country music.

What is your favorite TV show?

My favorite TV shows are “The Office” and “Friends.”

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

“Curious George”

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, which food would you pick?

I would most likely pick tacos.

What/who is your favorite sports team or pro athlete?

My favorite sports teams are all Wisconsin teams - Bucks, Brewers and Packers.

If you could have any superpower, which one would you pick?

To be able to control time and slow down or pick up the speed of time.

What’s one thing on your bucket list?

Travel to Australia

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