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Get to Know Skyla Lowery, Nursing Student


What is your name? Where did you grow up and what high school did you attend?

My name is Skyla Lowery. I was born and raised in Janesville and am a proud Parker Viking.

Why did you choose to attend Blackhawk Technical College?

There were many reasons I chose Blackhawk, but a few of the main reasons were to be able to stay close to home (especially since my son’s schooling is in Janesville) and all the hands-on opportunities that there are for my Nursing career.

What is your area of study? Is there something that drew you to the program?

I currently am in the Nursing program. I have always had a passion for helping others.

Have you had to overcome any obstacles or challenges on your educational journey?

One of the hardest obstacles that I have had to overcome throughout my educational journey was having a stroke at age 18. This very much derailed my schooling, but I am glad it brought me to Blackhawk.

Are you involved in any student organizations or extracurricular activities at Blackhawk?

I am involved in the Student Nursing Association (SNA).

When do you plan to graduate and what are your plans for life after Blackhawk?

I plan to graduate in May 2027. My goal is to gain some experience and then become a travel nurse and see the world! I also hope to participate in Doctors Without Borders and help communities medically in different countries.

What advice do you have for other individuals who are considering Blackhawk?

Just do it! If you are considering going back to school, coming straight out of high school, or just having a busy life in general, Blackhawk can meet the needs of any student by offering flexible class schedules both in person and online, hands-on experience, and 24/7 tutoring.

If you could have dinner with anybody, alive or dead, who would you choose?

I honestly am so indecisive, so I would probably have a dinner party instead. The people I would invite would be Kevin Hart, Helen Keller, Harriet Tubman, Colleen Hoover, Abraham Lincoln, Florence Nightingale,

What’s one thing on your bucket list?

One thing on my bucket list is base jumping or skydiving, even though I am afraid of heights. I will be doing one of the two this year!

For more information on our Nursing program, visit

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