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New Traveling Display Celebrates the History of Wisconsin Women and Voting

The Student Union Wisconsin Historical Society is touring a new traveling display, We Stand on their Shoulders, which celebrates the history of Wisconsin women and voting. The banner exhibit will be on display in the Student Success Center (Room 2200 Central Campus) from Tuesday, September 21 until Thursday, September 30.

This exhibit is being hosted and organized locally by the Multi-Cultural Alliance, Learning Commons Library, and the Student Government Association of Blackhawk Technical College. “The year 2020, marked one hundred years since some women were granted the right to vote,” said Jenny Kalvaitis, Coordinator of Secondary Education at the Wisconsin Historical Society. “But what a lot of people may not realize is that Wisconsin was the first state to ratify the 19th Amendment and pass a statewide Equal Rights Amendment.” We Stand on their Shoulders: A History of Wisconsin Women and Voting explores women’s suffrage and leadership after the ratification of the 19th Amendment. The 19th Amendment laid the groundwork to enfranchise women but did not extend voting rights to all. A series of additional legislation between 1920 and 1982 broadened opportunities for women of all races to vote. This exhibit explores the landmark legislation, political advancements of women from 1919-1982, and the continuing conversation surrounding voting rights. For more information about the traveling exhibit visit

For more information about the display located at Blackhawk Technical College, view the website calendar.

Questions about the event? Contact:
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