
CNC Machine Operator/Programmer

CNC Machine Operator/Programmer
CNC Machine Operator/Programmer
Technical Diploma
32 Credits
Central Campus (Janesville)

Flexible Learning Options

Explore MyEdChoice classes. You can attend in-person or online because this option allows you to choose how you attend each class and does not lock you into one format. Learn more about all of our flexible class options here.

What You’ll Learn

The CNC Machine Operator/Programmer Embedded Technical Diploma (34 credits) prepares learners for CNC machine setups and operations.  With a flex lab format, individuals can attend when it is convenient for them.  Students can also take advantage of the nationally recognized National Institute of Manufacturing Standards (NIMS) certification process as they complete the program.
Estimated Program Costs & Potential Earnings

32 Credits


Potential Careers

CNC Technician
CNC Programmer
CNC Machinist
CNC Operator
Machine Tool Operator

Career Pathway

Previous education and work experience could qualify for Credit for Prior Learning saving you time and money. Find out more about what may apply to this program.

CNC Machine Operator/Programmer

Blackhawk has more than 70 college and university transfer agreements. Learn more.

Additional Program Information

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