Early Childhood Education
Associate Degree
61 Credits
Central Campus (Janesville)

Flexible Learning Options

Explore MyEdChoice classes. You can attend in-person or online because this option allows you to choose how you attend each class and does not lock you into one format. Learn more about all of our flexible class options here.

Several classes in this program are offered in one or more of the following formats:

What You’ll Learn

“Teach the children so it will not be necessary to teach the adults.”Abraham Lincoln

A child’s learning experiences in his or her first eight years of life are crucial to social, mental and emotional growth and development and academic success. Working in this field requires patience, creativity, and a desire to make a difference in a child’s life. It also requires keen observation skills, a talent for human insight, and clear communication skills. As a student in BTC’s Early Childhood Education program, you will gain those skills and more. You’ll learn how to incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) into early childhood education, making you a highly desirable candidate as an educator who can help children develop their critical thinking skills through fun and play. You’ll learn innovative teaching techniques and skills through a hands-on approach in a unique learning environment. With field experience taking place in the first semester, you’ll know early on if working in early childhood education is right for you.

The BTC program offers flexible learning options. Classes are offered in a blend of face-to-face and online so you can easily fit coursework into your schedule. We also offer the ECE4U program in conjunction with UW-Whitewater. The ECE4U program lets you complete your two-year degree here and then transfer to UWW to get a dual license, allowing you to teach early childhood through third grade and special education through third grade. 

Estimated Program Costs & Potential Earnings

Median Wage


*based on EMSI Occupational Employment Statistics

Potential Careers

Nursery Schools
Day Care Centers
Head Start Classrooms
Infant Toddler Center
Before/After School Child Care
Instructional Aide in Public Schools

Career Pathway

Previous education and work experience could qualify for Credit for Prior Learning saving you time and money. Find out more about what may apply to this program.

Early Childhood Education

Blackhawk Technical College offers a variety of options for students who want to achieve a four-year degree.

Existing transfer agreements

Lakeland University (University Center Partner)

  • Elementary and Middle School (K-9) Teacher Certification Program- BA


  • B.S. Early Childhood Education
  • B.S. Community Engagement and Education


  • B.S. Early Childhood/Special Education Certification

UW-Stevens Point

  • B.S. Early Childhood Education


  • B.S. Family & Consumer Education
  • B.S. Early Childhood Education
  • B.S Human Development & Family Studies


  • B.S. Early Childhood Education (ECE4U Program)

Additional Program Information

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