

May 2024 Commencement

commencement ceremony, December 2022

Commencement ceremonies were held Saturday, May 18, at The Dream Center in Beloit.

The 9 a.m. ceremony included graduates from Blackhawk’s University Transfer, Business, and Manufacturing, Apprenticeship, Technology & Transportation division programs. The 11:30 a.m. ceremony included graduates from Health and Public Safety programs.

Congratulations to our graduates who will be honored at Commencement! This day is about you and your achievements — celebrate with family and friends, reflect on your hard work, and look forward to your future as a BTC alum.

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Commencement Program

Graduation Requirements

  • You must be within six (6) credits of completing a program (technical diploma or associate degree) by the end of the spring semester.
  • You must have applied for graduation within the application deadline and clearly marked "yes" or "no" regarding participation in the Commencement.
  • You must purchase a cap and gown for the ceremony.
graduates at commencement ceremony

Cap & Gown

All graduates are required to wear an appropriate cap and gown.

If you qualify for honor cords, you will receive an email to your student email account with information regarding when and where you can pick up your cord.

Guest Invitations

Each graduate participating in the ceremony will receive invitations for guests. All guests will be required to present their invitation to get into the ceremony. If you wish to pick up your invitations from Monroe Campus or Advanced Manufacturing Training Center, please email

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