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TechForward Initiative

Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the TechForward Initiative is designed to equip you with the skills needed to land a high-paying job in fields like mechatronics, engineering, and maintenance. These industries are experiencing a worker shortage, meaning jobs are in high demand now—and will continue to grow in the years ahead.

By integrating work-based learning experiences directly into Blackhawk’s Mechatronics program area instruction, the TechForward Initiative will test how combining classroom instruction with real industry experience can accelerate the path to becoming job-ready.

What is Mechatronics?

Mechatronics is the combination of mechanical, electrical, and computer technologies and is used in the design of products and automation processes. Mechatronics technicians install, maintain, and repair automated machinery and mechanical systems that are controlled by computers. At Blackhawk, our mechatronics-related programs include Electro-Mechanical Technology and Automation Systems Technology.

How TechForward Works

The TechForward Initiative builds on the Mechatronics program area curriculum by integrating four work-based learning courses that utilize an automated manufacturing cell at Blackhawk’s new Innovative Manufacturing Education Center.

The initiative involves two student groups:

Cohort 1: If you are randomly selected to be in cohort 1 you will follow the traditional Mechatronics program area curriculum with foundational coursework and lab-based learning.

Cohort 2: If you are randomly selected to be in cohort 2 you will follow the same Mechatronics program area curriculum as cohort 1, but with one important difference. The traditional classroom learning is combined with four hands-on work-based learning courses that utilize the manufacturing cell located within the lab environment.

This experimental approach allows Blackhawk faculty and industry partners to evaluate whether the work-based learning courses result in faster, more confident career readiness.

Scholarships Available

By participating in the TechForward Initiative, you’ll have access to exclusive scholarship opportunities available only to students in this program. We’re offering a select number of full-tuition scholarships and a total scholarship pool of $100,000, which will be divided among qualified students to help offset the cost of attendance.

With this support, motivated students can potentially complete their associate degree while having a significant portion—or even all—of their tuition covered.

Students in IMEC listening to instructor

Take the Next Step Toward a Successful Career

By joining the TechForward Initiative, you're not only preparing for a rewarding career—you’re helping test an innovative approach to education that could redefine how we train the next generation of skilled professionals. Complete the form below!

Fill Out the Form Below

NSF Information

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under
Award No. 2301161. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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