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Nursing is a high demand field. A rewarding career in nursing begins with training and preparation. The nursing program at Blackhawk Technical College produces exceptional nurses and is among the best in Wisconsin, according to the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing.

At Blackhawk, you will receive world-class training with exceptional instructors. Students learn how to deliver quality patient care in a variety of health care settings. The four-semester program includes classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences. Students can choose to progress at a full-time pace or take classes on a part-time basis. Upon graduation, our nurses find jobs in acute care, long-term care, or community health care settings.

After completing the first two semesters of nursing courses, students can take the examination to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN). Nursing students take an examination (NCLEX) to become a registered nurse after completing all four semesters of nursing courses.

Tuition & Potential Earnings

Estimated Tuition Cost


Median Wage


Based on Lightcast Occupational Employment Statistics

Academic Plan

  • English Composition 1
  • General Anatomy and Physiology
  • Introduction to Psychology
For course credits and descriptions, visit the Blackhawk Catalog.

  • Nursing Fundamentals
  • Nursing Skills
  • Nursing Pharmacology
  • Nsg: Intro Clinical Practic
  • Developmental Psychology
For course credits and descriptions, visit the Blackhawk Catalog.

  • Nursing Health Alterations
  • Nursing Health Promotion
  • Nsg: Clin Care Across Lifespan
  • Intro Clinical Care Management
  • Advanced Anatomy and Physiology
  • Speech
For course credits and descriptions, visit the Blackhawk Catalog.

  • Nsg: Complex Health Alterat 1
  • Mental Health Community Concepts
  • Nsg: Intermed Clin Practice
  • Nursing Advanced Skills
  • Microbiology
For course credits and descriptions, visit the Blackhawk Catalog.

  • Nsg: Complex Health Alterat 2
  • Nursing Management & Professional Concepts
  • Nsg: Adv Clinical Practice
  • Nursing Clinical Transition
  • Introduction to Sociology
For course credits and descriptions, visit the Blackhawk Catalog.

Flexible Learning Options

Many courses at Blackhawk are offered in one or more of these formats:

  • In-Person
  • Live Online (synchronous)
  • Online Anytime (asynchronous)
  • FlexLab (in-person when it fits your schedule)

For some courses, we offer a MyEdChoice option, allowing you to choose how to attend each class session. You can switch between online and in-person formats from week to week or even day to day, depending on your needs and schedule. More Information

In Person

Get Credit For Prior Learning!

Have you acquired relevant education or work experience? You might qualify for credits based on your prior learning.

Start Your Journey to Success Today

Get in touch with our Admissions department for information on program details, curriculum, credit transfer options, and financial aid opportunities.

Additional Program Information

The Associate Degree Nursing Program at Blackhawk Technical College at the Beloit-Janesville Campus located in Janesville, WI is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.

Waiting List

A number of our programs are transitioning to a waiting list system to prioritize in-district (Rock and Green counties) residents and in-state out of district residents. More Information

Health Insurance

Students must have proof of health insurance.

Background Check

If accepted, you will be required to complete a criminal background check, complete the health requirements, and perform drug testing before starting clinical courses. Wisconsin law requires background checks of persons who provide care for others or have access to people who receive care. This law applies to Blackhawk Technical College Health Sciences Division students. For more information about the background check, view the Criminal Background Check Information (PDF).

In accordance with Wisconsin Caregiver Background law, applicants with a criminal history may be denied placement by clinical affiliates or ineligible for national certification examinations. Applicants with any criminal background are strongly advised to meet with the program faculty and/or program advisor.

Additional Course Requirements

Basic Nursing Assistant must be completed within five (5) years of core ready status in the Nursing program. Consideration will be given to those who are or have been employed as a Nurse Assistant.

One year of high school chemistry with lab - OR - one semester of college chemistry:

  • Prep for Basic Chemistry (836-133)
  • Chemistry Prep (856-787)
  • General Chemistry (806-134)
  • General, Organic, and Biochemistry (806-199)
  • Intro to Biochemistry (806-186)

Re-Entry Applicant

A re-entry student is one that has completed one (1) or more nursing courses at Blackhawk Technical College, stepped out of the nursing program, and is applying to re-enter the nursing program.

Transfer Applicant

A transfer nursing student is one that has completed one (1) or more nursing courses at another Wisconsin Technical College. Click here for more information about the transfer admissions process. Also, to access the Transfer Student Academic Standing form click here. If you completed one (1) or more nursing classes at another accredited institution, you will be asked to go through the nursing petition process for entry. There will be an option once admitted through the petition process to test out of certain classes through the Credit for Prior Learning test-out option process.

Credit for Prior Learning (LPN Progression Program Process)

Licensed Practical Nurses that have been practicing for a period of time and then return to further their education are called LPN Progression students. They may receive credit for past clinical education based on their current knowledge, skills, and clinical judgment. In order to help LPNs to be program-ready, they will need to take a Nursing Bridge course before entering their third semester, which is offered annually in the summer semester. Click here for more information about the LPN Progression Program admissions process. 

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, you will be able to:

  • Integrate professional nursing identity reflecting integrity, responsibility, and nursing standards
  • Communicate comprehensive information using multiple sources in nursing practice
  • Integrate theoretical knowledge to support decision making
  • Integrate the nursing process into client care across diverse populations
  • Function as a healthcare team member to provide safe and effective care
Nursing students in lab


Associate Degree

65 Credits

Beloit-Janesville Campus

6004 S. County Road G, Janesville, WI 53546

Related Offerings

Potential Careers

Registered Nurse (RN)

Staff Nurse, RN

Medical Assistant (MA, CMA, LPN)

Career Pathways

A Career Pathway is a step-by-step plan designed to lead you to career success and advancement.


Technical Diploma


Associate Degree