Waiting List
A number of our programs are transitioning to a waiting list system to prioritize in-district (Rock and Green counties) residents and in-state out of district residents. More Information
Health Insurance
Students must have proof of health insurance.
Background Check
If accepted, you will be required to complete a criminal background check, complete the health requirements, and perform drug testing before starting clinical courses. Wisconsin law requires background checks of persons who provide care for others or have access to people who receive care. This law applies to Blackhawk Technical College Health Sciences Division students. For more information about the background check, view the Criminal Background Check Information (PDF).
In accordance with Wisconsin Caregiver Background law, applicants with a criminal history may be denied placement by clinical affiliates or ineligible for national certification examinations. Applicants with any criminal background are strongly advised to meet with the program faculty and/or program advisor.
Additional Course Requirements
Basic Nursing Assistant must be completed within five (5) years of core ready status in the Nursing program. Consideration will be given to those who are or have been employed as a Nurse Assistant.
One year of high school chemistry with lab - OR - one semester of college chemistry:
- Prep for Basic Chemistry (836-133)
- Chemistry Prep (856-787)
- General Chemistry (806-134)
- General, Organic, and Biochemistry (806-199)
- Intro to Biochemistry (806-186)
Re-Entry Applicant
A re-entry student is one that has completed one (1) or more nursing courses at Blackhawk Technical College, stepped out of the nursing program, and is applying to re-enter the nursing program.
Transfer Applicant
A transfer nursing student is one that has completed one (1) or more nursing courses at another Wisconsin Technical College. Click here for more information about the transfer admissions process. Also, to access the Transfer Student Academic Standing form click here. If you completed one (1) or more nursing classes at another accredited institution, you will be asked to go through the nursing petition process for entry. There will be an option once admitted through the petition process to test out of certain classes through the Credit for Prior Learning test-out option process.
Credit for Prior Learning (LPN Progression Program Process)
Licensed Practical Nurses that have been practicing for a period of time and then return to further their education are called LPN Progression students. They may receive credit for past clinical education based on their current knowledge, skills, and clinical judgment. In order to help LPNs to be program-ready, they will need to take a Nursing Bridge course before entering their third semester, which is offered annually in the summer semester. Click here for more information about the LPN Progression Program admissions process.