
News & Events

Designing a New Path for Industry Students

Staff Spotlight: Jeni Ricci

March 3, 2021

When Jeni Ricci (pictured below; photo credit: Jason Sanders) started at Blackhawk Tech, it was in the Marketing and Communications Division as a part-time graphic designer. Thrilled to apply her Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design, she thought this would launch her into a full-time design career.  Instead, she snatched up an opportunity to transition to a full-time position working as the administrative assistant for the Manufacturing, Apprenticeship, Technology and Transportation (MATT) Division because she learned what so many BTC employees learn early on – the mission of Blackhawk is an inspiring one to be a part of. “The programs we have are awesome,” she said. “The people I work with are amazing and very dedicated to their students and work!”

In the MATT Division, BTC programs include Automation Systems Technology, Automotive Technician, CNC Technician, Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technician, Electric Power Distribution (EPD), IT Programs, Welding, and more. Many of these programs have been considered essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means the instructors are essential employees training essential workers.

Jeni, long brown hair in a black shirt, pictured in front of a red background

Jeni’s position requires her to work closely with the Workforce and Community Development (WCD) team to develop workforce training as well as community and continuing education programs designed to meet community needs. BTC is working diligently to build meaningful, lasting relationships between Wisconsin’s workforce, BTC educators, and the local communities.

“WCD starts the conversation with a company,” Jeni explained, “and then Colleen Koerth (WCD Manager) and I work together to recommend courses to a company. Once training is agreed upon, I work with students closely to get them into our systems and registered. Then I continue to be a connection with students and the company.”

These connections and support have proven to be a pivotal element to keep students enrolled and connected, and it is at the core of BTC’s mission. “As industry training grew, we quickly realized that industry students needed support. We started with instructor orientations, and then it grew into the focus of my position. I work with every industry training student from application and registration to first-day orientation. I follow progress weekly and report to employers.”

This experience has helped her to see what students need to be successful.  Her advice? “Communicate. Often and as soon as you can. BTC will work with you to make your goal a reality.”

If your organization is interested in partnering with BTC for your workforce training needs in advanced manufacturing, contact Jeni at (608) 743-4412 or

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