
News & Events

Living Out Our Mission

Flexible Education, Supportive Environment

April 16, 2020

On March 18, all College operations, including instruction, were moved online and employees were sent home to work virtually. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we deliver education but it has not changed our commitment to our mission: flexible education, supportive environment.

We understand that the disruption to the spring 2020 semester may be overwhelming and cause anxiety for some students. While you might not be able to walk into campus and see your academic advisor, tutor, or financial aid rep, one thing is certain, they are still available for you. The Blackhawk Student Services Division is working very hard to keep our students engaged and on track.

“We are still here, it just looks a little different than what we are accustomed to. Our entire Student Services team is available by email and phone, and face-to-face appointments are still happening via Zoom, a teleconferencing tool,” said Tony Landowski, Executive Director of Students Services at Blackhawk.

The team from Registration and Records has not skipped a beat. They continue to field emails and phone calls from students and instructors and process daily tasks like graduation verifications, entering schedules in Banner so students can register, and evaluating transcripts for incoming students.

“The staff has adjusted well to this new work model. It takes more time to answer questions when you have emailed back and forth to answer questions instead of being able to talk to the student right in front of you. I think it has expanded our definition of flexibility and has strengthened us as a team,” said Dr. Melissa Lantta Blackhawk Registrar.

Academic Advising is still “seeing” a very steady stream of students via email, phone, and Zoom. Students are reaching out for Master Academic Planning, new student appointments, emergency financial assistance questions, registration assistance, and referrals for resources. 

According to Susan Dantuma, Student Advising and Retention Coordinator, “In some cases working in the new model is the same as any other day; such as following up on Starfish messages. In other areas, we have had to rework our processes entirely. We are helping students adjust to their online classes with suggestions and tips for different learning styles, and we are checking in on students and offering referrals to funding and mental health resources.”

Susan explained that it is very easy for students to access their advisors. “We are meeting through Zoom and by phone. Students can schedule appointments with their Academic Advisors in Starfish as usual – but should select phone or Zoom during this time.” Advisors can use and answer their office phones even while working remotely.

She added, “The Advisors are available to help you! We don’t have all of the answers, but we can help point you in the right direction. And if you are thinking “Boy if only BTC had…” we probably have something to help, please reach out to your advisor.”

The Financial Aid staff reports they are still functioning as normally as possible. Students should not see a big difference in service, except most Financial Aid communication is now being done through Blackhawk email.

As quickly as things evolve and as updates happen within the Department of Education related to Financial Aid and COVID-19, the Financial Aid team is on it. They are regularly evaluating our processes to make sure we can accommodate the exceptions made for our students at the federal level.

There have been a lot of changes, and this will probably continue to be the case as the information around how to best protect our community evolves and is disseminated. Please know that everyone at Blackhawk is dedicated to the success of our students. We will continue to be here for our students on their educational journey and the completion of their goals.

We are here for you.

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