
News & Events

Saddling Up for Success

March 23, 2021

Many children dream of growing up to become either royalty or someone who rides horses all day. Brianna Sheehan is one BTC student who has grown up to do both. In 2017 she represented Illinois as the Holstein Duchess, and just recently, she graduated from the Minnesota Horse Training Academy and is now one of their certified trainers.

Brianna stands next to her horse, and her dog is sitting in the saddle

Brianna didn’t thrive in high school but managed to graduate with the help and support of her family. Instead of taking a break from school, she chose to look at what options were available outside of a four-year university. “I wish high schools talked more about what an incredible option Technical Colleges are,” she explained. “When I found the Agribusiness program at BTC, I knew I could handle trying the one-year certificate program and then go from there. I couldn’t be happier I decided to go for it!”

Initially, Brianna started as a student in the Agribusiness Science/Technology program based at the Monroe Campus to learn more about animal science. During her first semester, she discovered how much bigger the industry was than she’d ever thought. “I can now earn a one-year technical diploma,” she noted, “a two-year Associate’s Degree, a Commercial Driver’s License, a Commercial Applicator’s License, a Certified Crop Advisor certification, and find a job that will pay for me to get my Bachelor’s Degree. This way, I save so much money and have many accomplishments to add to my resume.”

There have been a few holes in the trail along the way that have caused her to stumble. During her second semester at BTC, Brianna lost a good friend and struggled to focus on school. “I failed some classes and was so disappointed in myself,” she remembered. In an attempt to regain her passion, she took some time off from BTC and pursued work with the Minnesota Horse Training Academy, where she has since become one of their Certified Horse Trainers. “I knew I wanted to go back to BTC, but I needed a little time. I remember getting calls and emails from my instructor, Dustin Williams. He wanted to see me back at school, and he’s the reason I’m here today.”

That ability to be flexible in how she achieves her goals is one reason why Brianna appreciates BTC. She can take fewer classes in the fall during harvest time and do more work during the winter. “During the first semester, I took a class specifically to help students accomplish their career goals,” she recalled. “Before that, I didn’t have a specific direction, but through that class and many others, I narrowed down exactly what I wanted to do. I now have a business plan and goals to help me reach success. It’s one of the most rewarding feelings to reach each milestone, and I have BTC to thank for that.”

Now, three years into her BTC journey, Brianna is Student Government Vice President of Monroe Campus, Student Government Senate Member, Student Ambassador, and WI Professional Agricultural Students President. As if that weren’t enough to keep her busy, she’s excited to be starting her own business this year, taking over ownership of the Minnesota Horse Training Academy. “Though it will take time, determination, and hard work, I know through the knowledge and skills I have gained at BTC I will be successful.”

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