
News & Events

Ten Questions about the Return of Health Sciences Labs/Classes

April 24, 2020

Circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and Governor Evers’ Safer-at-Home order continue to evolve. Therefore, we know you have questions and we want to do everything we can to answer them. Each Friday we tackle a new set of questions. Here are this week’s top ten questions:

1. Because of my circumstances at home due to COVID-19, I cannot return to lab/hands-on classes. What options will I have to complete my coursework?

We understand that not everyone will be able to return to scheduled labs. The spring semester has been extended to June 13 to give students additional time to complete course requirements. If needed, students can take an incomplete (I) which is an agreement between the student and instructor to complete the course.

2. What is the screening process for entry to the college?

All students entering the building will be screened. Faculty members will screen incoming students for temperature (must be below 100.4) and will ask a few questions regarding COVID-19 symptoms and possible exposure. Anyone entering the college must have a face mask and protective eyewear.

3. If a student is turned away during the screening process, are there support services available for the student?

If a student is turned away during the screening process, faculty members will notify Student Services (via Starfish) for follow up with the student. If a student is symptomatic during the screening process, they will be encouraged to seek medical advice.

4. If I feel like safety guidelines are not being followed, who can I report that information to?

If anyone either feels unsafe on campus or feels that guidelines are not being followed, they should report that to campus safety at or (608) 743-4596. All reports will be investigated. The safety of our students and employees is a top priority and we will continually evaluate our protocols to ensure everyone is safe on campus.

5. Do I have to wear a mask when I come to campus?

Yes. Everyone on campus is required to wear face masks from the time they exit their vehicle. A mask is required to pass screening and enter any Blackhawk building. If you don’t have a mask, one will be provided to you. A cloth facemask is acceptable unless you are participating in a lab or class where physical distancing is not possible. In those cases, everyone will be required to wear a surgical mask provided by the college.

6. Is eye protection required when on campus?

Yes. Because COVID-19 can be spread through particles in the air, everyone is required to wear eye protection on campus. This can be your prescription glasses, safety glasses or goggles, or a face shield.

7. What symptoms do I monitor for self-screening for COVID-19?

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell

The CDC has a Self-Checker to help you make decisions about seeking appropriate medical care. Click here for the CDC Self-Checker.

8. I don’t own any PPE. If the College is requiring PPE, will it be provided for students and employees?

Surgical-grade masks, gloves, and gowns will be provided in all lab/hands-on classes. Blackhawk has thermometers and facemasks for those who need them. Contact Campus Safety at for more information.

9. If Health Sciences and Public Safety labs/hands-on classes are resuming, can students study on campus before or after class?

Although we miss our students terribly, the College is closed to the public in accordance with Governor Evers’ Safer-at-Home order. Therefore, limited students are allowed to return to campus for lab/hands-on courses only. Students will be permitted into the building after screening and will be expected to leave the building at the conclusion of the lab/hands-on class. Please note: food service is not available.

10. When will the college reopen to the public?

At this time, Governor Evers’ Safer-at-Home has been extended to May 24 and we have not yet determined when the College will resume normal operations. The College will continue to monitor the situation closely and will update everyone as more information is available.    

Got more questions? We are happy to help. Reach out at and we will help get your questions answered.


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